' Wrote:Because Gallia was on a full zerg rush. There were HUNDREDS of capital ships. Not to mention it was a surprise attack, they were able to cut off the KNF forces in Leeds, including the Emporer and Shogun. Then there was a coup in Kusari, and Kusari sued for peace.
What you are saying is that:
Gallic capital ships quickly enters the battlefield(tai-31) from tau-23 and they cuted commands of emperor shogun that means that they have been fighting with large knf vessels and fighter and bomber wings so they managed to defeat them with low casualties and very easily while the Gallic admirals have no experince if large scale wars in space so they were just begginers in the battle and story says that knf was firmly holding the tai-31 and was redy to fight off any baf offencive in tsu-31
That clearly means knf was redy for any suprise/straight offence