Cassie proceeded to sit down next to Khan, smiling as she did so. She did not answer right away, and instead removed a small felt-tip pen from the front of her tattered overalls. With that, she took a small scrap of paper from her pocket, and shook off some of the lint.
For a few seconds more, she was silent, drawing a few little diagrams. She handed to scrap of paper to Khan, and on it a number of pictures.
The first was six, poorly scrawled letters, spelling out her name. The second was a small picture of a wobbly face, with poorly drawn hands covering the mouth. Cassie pointed to these, and then pointed again at her sternum like she had to Mikhail.
The last diagram was a number of stick-men, all on their hands and knees, as if cowering from something. Next to them, was a number of broken stick-men, with a little skull and crossbones above them. In-between the the two groups, Cassie had drawn a bigger stick-man, wearing a dress. She pointed to that stick-man, and again pointed at her sternum.