However, changing ships would be exactly what FIGHTER pilots would do. I totally agree with Blunt on this.
If Omega 52 is breached during fighter training, and I have yet to be fired upon (and when I say this, I mean litterally fired upon) or engage, I will reserve my right to dock and use another ship of the same character on that station (and ONLY that station. Not even if it's in system) as that is role play.
Roleplay is what we're about, and the reason why (finally) the one death rule has been issued. I say this rule should encompass those that have ALREADY been engaged or have engaged themselves. This would mean traders that have had an attempted pirate encounter can't dock and change as they have been engaged, but allows us to roleplay a change of ships (NOT CHARACTER) if we see something hostile on our scanners.
As Blunt put it, if we're in our fighters and a few battleships appear 9k away having just entered 52, we should not be bound to our ships by others that are nowhere near to make a difference.