Vladimir sat back down and summoned the two marines standing by the door.
"And that is the why I was looking for. Money breeds greed and power, values which have no place in the fighter corps. A pity you got there so late. If you survive your trip to medical, there will be papers which you require to fill in once you get back here. After that, we will consider you."
The marines dragged the dying man out of his office and down the corridor towards a lift. He would receive some form of medical attention. The Trotsky was no field hospital however, the recruit would be lucky if he found his bootlaces had been used to stitch him back up. Some where not so lucky. He looked up to the light above him and sighed. A moment later, he stood up and surveyed the room full of recruits. He immediately took a shotgun off the marine standing by Alica's desk and shot a recruit in the chest.
"Let that be a lesson to the lot of you! I'm annoyed! REALLY ANNOYED!"
Seeing the fear in the recruits. He menacingly pressed himself up against one who appeared to be dawdling and sketching on some notepad. He looked at him eye to eye and bellowed..