Pressing the pistol up against the man's forehead, Mendel looked disgusted.
"Do you know what's really bloody sad here is that I don't have the energy to pretend I already knew. Which is for the best, because I'm gonna need all of my bloody energy to rip you to bits with my bare hands and sell off, yes, sell off your bloody flayed skin as a sleeping bag to a homeless person!"
"Does it look like we're stupid here? I let you in, with your little bloody spy master handlers pulling your strings from back in Sausage-land, and the first thing you'd do is betray each and every one of us and for what, a pat on the head and a meagre state pension... perhaps a little time bouncing up and down on the Kanzler's knee for good measure?"
"No, I dinnae think so, even if you aren't a spy, I can't take the risk that you could be one. I mean, what does this look like? A zoo, does it look like the Coalition is run by a pack of monkeys?"
He stood and shot the spy in the head, moving down to shoot him twice more in the chest, just to be sure.
"Alicia!" he called, checking the weapon and wiping some of the blood off of his face with the end of his tie. "Clean up on Aisle three."
Turning, a blood smear on his face, he pointed to the woman. "Your turn, spy. Get in here!"