For just one moment he looked at the shotgun with big eyes. It seemed to be totally useless to yell a little song when one applied to pilot a fighter. But there was no choice now. No chance to retreat, and in Nikolai's mind no need to. Hesitating while singing the first words he began to gather some self-confidence after he started to improvise a hymn on the great Katz in the first melody which came into his mind. And thus his strong voice echoed off the walls.
"Oh Katz, Glo-rious Katz. Hero of the Coal-iti-on. Id-ol of Onta-aario, you broooought our ide-als to the heart of capitalism! Wiiith fighting with words yoooouu hurt our enem-ies more than a-ny weapon could do! Eeee-very citizen stands behind you! What yo-ou expect we wiiilll do-oo! What you ne-ed we will giiive! Kaaatz brings equ-ality and pe-ace to Si-ri-us! Once there were rebels down on Ja-ing Xi, threatening uuuuus! But Katz removed the dark, our middle is clean! The red star will shiiiine! Oh Kaaatz, you maaaade us stro-ong! At your side the Co-ali-tion wi-il raaiiiiiiise!"
Ignoring the shotgun close to him he tried to give his best, though Nikolai never was the best singer.
Squished bigly ~Champ- Thanks, you're a champ. "What's the word for when it feels inside your heart that everything in the world is all right?"