Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: [OSC]-Armstrong
Name: Alastaire Armstrong
Position: Fighter Pilot
Division: Defense
To: All [OSC] personnel
Subject: Standing by
Begin transmission
I am please that OSC is beginning to do well. With the investments and the new recruits, we will set out to be a very profitable company. I look forward to many good days of working for OSC.
I escorted our newest pilot, Adrian McKinley, to Freeport 9 today, where he acquired his new Eagle Very Heavy Fighter. We then traveled back to the OSC base planet Curacao, where he began working on obtaining the proper ID.
Later, I did patrols around the Cortez system, destroying pirate ships and taking them to more proper facilities for processing.
I am currently stationed at Planet Curacao, awaiting orders.
Alastaire Armstrong, signing off.
End Transmission