Sparta Control, this is Order Wing Zeta-Five, requesting permission to dock, over. We have clearance.
Zeta-Five you have clearance, we have been expecting you.
The wing consisted of around Seven fighters, and a Transport, they all docked sequentially, the Transport was last. They were soon surrounded by a bunch of Marines, and they waited for the pilots to come out....
They got a pleasant surprise when the Transport doors opened, and around twenty Marines jumped out, quick as lightning and took up defensive positions around the ship. Then the fighter pilots jumped out, and taking out sidearms, took cover.
Finally, when it was clear nothing was going to happen, a Marine, clearly the leader, gave a signal, then all lowered their sidearms, the the tension in the room went down considerably. With everything in the clear, the man they were guarding walked out, seemingly at ease in old fashioned formal attire.
Vice Admiral Robert D'Souza wasted no time, walking up to the Docking bay in-charge, he asked for directions and then him and his guard marines moved off as one.
The Marines were left at the door and Robert entered the conference hall. It was badly lit, but he could make out two shapes, one wearing the unmistakable black attire of the Order, which he identified as Colonel Tainer, and another person, Zoner from the looks of it, whom he did not recognize. He decided to greet them all as one.