X was sitting down in the comfortable seat. It was made of a pseudo-leather which had become popular in the last two years in the Houses. He gripped a crystal glass of ice cold water in his right hand. He did not feel it's stinging touch through his glove. He felt numb.
His plans were shriveling around him. Of course he had planned for this event. He knew the weak points, and he knew how it came to this. Everything was planned, but it was not the plan he wanted. He squeezed his glass too hard in frustration and broke it.
It made little noise, but those who were part of his group saw it. Elizabeth Boehme had already made her way to the door; she knew they were not leaving, but she felt she needed space, especially from X. The spymaster's eyes could not be seen, but it still could be discerned as to where he was looking. His face focused intently on Gabriel Caudill and X was sure the head of Omicron Supply Industries felt it.
The Admiral then quickly moved, flanked by his bodyguards near the front to James Ferguson, head of the Zoner Consortium. Kenanoel stayed in her seat playing with her electronic notes. While a cleaning droid made a well-timed noisy racket in it's effort to pick up all the broken shards of crystal, X whispered into Ferguson's ear.