The holographic projectors flickered slightly as the image withdrew its hand.
"Interesting times indeed, although I assure you that if I wanted you dead it would be within my capacity to do so..."
The drone demonstrated this by lifting the cane up slightly and then carefully nudging the floor, causing several sparks to fly in all directions.
"I have been monitoring what has been said in the chambers beyond this hangar and I must say that I am looking forward to a chance to further study the many able specimens who follow you, and your cause, without any concern for their own well-being..."
The drone once again stared at Katz with the dead holographic eyes...
"I'm sure that we will both stand to benefit greatly from this arrangement, don't you?"
And with that the holographic projectors shut down, revealing the think skeletal drone underneath... and as the tendrils which formed its skeletons withdrew it spoke one last time before floating into the darkness of the hangar.