Cpt Tsetsu looked up at the view screen to see the approaching Freeport as the Ayakashi drew nearer. Pushing down a nearby button that operated the ships's internal comms he dutifully summoned the Guild Master on-board.
"We have arrived in Theta and are approaching our destination, Sensei." stated the battleship captain.
"Arigato, Captain Tsetsu" came Guild Master Raikoke's voice in reply, "contact the Freeport and notify them of our arrival and have one of the moorings ready for the ship. I am on my way to the bridge."
In came Raikoke through the bulkhead doors to the bridge, clearly showing a mixture of both anxiety and frustration as eveidenced by her hand rubbing her forehead and temple.
"Corsairs, Corsairs, Corsairs....." murmured the diminutive woman, "Well, Cpt. Tsetsu, I imagine you had quite your fill with Outcasts in Beta?"
"It is always my pleasure to serve, Sensei," came the routine responce of the loyal officer, "whether it is against Outcasts in Beta or here against Corsairs."
Raikoke raised an eyebrow at Ayakashi's captain and smiled, "I'm sure you are, I'm sure you are. Well it's good because from what my honoured colleague Taro has told me we are going to find many Corsairs here for our pleasure."
Raikoke stared away for a moment in reverie of a memory. Shaking it off quickly she snapped back to matter at hand.
"While I am loathe to temporarily leave operations for Beta at this critical time, I just can't ignore the pleas for help from our friends nor the opportunity to feed those treacherous backstabbing Corsairs a little GMG medicine!" fumed the tempestuous Guild Master as her ferver began building up and handed over to the captain a datapad "Here contact this channel displayed here using the encypted line, it's Sparta where Taro is and the rest of the delegates. I wish to send them a recording."
"Hai." chimed the Captain as he pointed at the comms officer to do what was just said.
"Also, get Ayakashi moored, resupplied and back in mobility as soon as possible. I don't want us to be caught off guard still moored to the Freeport" quickly added Raikoke.
"Right away, Sensei," affirmed Captain Tsetsu as he turned to give orders for the preperations....
To: Delegates on Sparta
From: Guild Master Raikoke
Subject: GMG Heavy Support
Priority: High
Message reads:
Konban-wa Zoners, Taro and other delegates,
I have received the brief assessment of your situation from my esteemed colleague, Guild Master Taro Katsuo. It is unfortunate that the situation is currently so dire that all it took was a brief assessment for me to grasp the seriousness of your situation. While I am not surprised at the aggression of those treacherous Corsairs I am, however, astonished to hear that our good neighboors are considering packing up and leaving. I strongly urge you to reconsider.
For years now you have been great neighbours and ever helpfull in the location and provision of the Deuterium we use. Many GMG explorers have found their peacefull rest in the corridors and rooms of your freeports. Many GMG have felt a level of kinship with you whom also have many who spend their entire lives without setting foot on a planet. We are frontiersmen in dangerous wild frontier and in this we need to band together in one's hour of need. Which is why I have come.
You have all met Guild Master Katsuo, he directs a special squadron of GMG guerilla combatants of ours that are the KS squad. You may have met a few out here. In the past, after the Eighty Year War, our predecessors regularly dispatched GMG's top aces to ensure that Kruger's Mannheim operations would never become fully operational. The success of these raids were such that it occured with impunity and went on for over a century and only relatively recently have they been recalled from Frankfurt activity as we are confident Kruger can never possibly be a rival again. Now these top aces work against the Corsairs under Guild Master Taro's directions aiming to undermine Corsair supplylines and take any opportunity for high valued targets if able. They will coordinate their efforts with your overall defence against the Corsairs. I too have decided to pull my attention away from directing our efforts in Omicron Beta and have brought our flagship, Ayakashi, from Beta over here to help provide some heavy support against those numerous Corsairs.
I know there is at least one Outcast Don in there and is listening to this recording. It is only I and the Ayakashi who is pulling away temporarily from Beta but our plans are not stopping. Our primary division and the bulk of GMG will continue to ensure that all operations remain on course. Consider this a momentary distraction as I believe our hatred of the Corsairs is only surpassed by your hatred of the Corsairs. But I am not fool enough to believe in romantic sentiments that "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" just wise enough to when to deal with a bigger problem. Currently the idea of our Zoner friends packing their bags and giving ground to any of our enemies is in fact a bigger problem and we are here to help ensure that the Freeport and Theta remain in friendly hands.
My loyal Captain is currently ressupplying and ensuring that Ayakashi is battle ready and prepared for the defence against Corsairs. I will remain on the Ayakashi while Taro delegates with the rest of you and informs me when to be ready to position with the fleet.
Arigato for listening to this recording and good luck out there,
Guild Master Raikoke