To be honest, this is created in response to Fletcher's thread on thrusting.
(bow) You sir are brilliant, however this brings me to two things that it reminded me of
Back in 2008 I spent a brief period of time on the Star Wars Tides of War (henceforth ToW) mod and later on a private Clone Wars server.
Now to my knowledge, and from what I saw, they had managed to replicate dogfighting from the SW films (I think at least), no EK in the ToW mods. I believe they nuked it into oblivion, however I'm not 100% sure of the mechanics.
Is this feasible for Disco?
This is merely a suggestion.
Secondly, ToW also had interdictors (for those of you who don't know the star wars Expanded universe: This iirc was accomplished in game by using a mass AoE CD with an invisible projectile: In game I could see this specialist class of cruiser (lightly armed) or even retrofitted transports used to keep enemy fleets from running (would make battles more tactical) and possibly make it more imperative to choose battles carefully. Would personally love to see somthing like this in game.