****Incoming message****
>sender tom, of the Ageira|Peak-Seven<
Tom walks out of the Hispania hospital with a stick in his right hand.
Walks toward the holographic transmitter puts his card in and starts to
record a messages for pueblo station and to HQ on planet los Angeles.
Greetings HQ and colleagues, i'm recovered from most injuries and ready
for me comeback in the trading division!
Still i have this walking stick at me side the broken leg has a small
aberrance of some 22 degree which makes it hard to walk without the stick!
But i guess that’s not a issue for trading division because i still can fly me "Titanic".
For a brief moment i had this terrible feeling i couldn't go back to me birdie
because i was afraid to fly it again with that badly shaped leg.
Doctor "Phill* said i would be wise if i do things slow not try to
hast myself a lot. He also told me that the stick was for the rest of me day's
and that i better not leave without it!
But anyway i will need a escort to pueblo.....
Maybe one of ours cold inform James or Aisha to get me at green 7 Hispania hanger bay!
iIll be there at 22:00 pm monday 20-09-817. There a hotel near the hospital, its called * hotel destiny*
that we're i am staying for now!
To all colleagues i'm honored to have such good friends who visit me and send me the post cards
and holographic flowers really appreciate that!
I hope to hear from HQ soon and will say for now *home is where the heart is !!*
i miss you guy's it’s not easy to be all on me own here at this hotel although the food
Isn’t that bad!
Regards Cap'n tom
****Closing transmission*****
- Home is where the <span style="color:#FF0000">Heart is.</span>