Date Of Birth:7th month of the old earth standard year;born in 790
Previous Jobs:Mechanic, musician in Pittsburg (this one is on going)
Skills:Trustworthy; zero tolerance for bullschit and peoples stupidity; always early to my job
Place of Birth:Skiros Station, near Omicron Theta jump hole
Department Interested in Joining:Transport
Please answer all the following Questions:
Why do you want to join Ageira Technologies? Ageira has the reputation of being on better terms with most groups; therebyy allowing for a broader customer base and less problems during delivery. This allows for each employee to make more profit with less headaches. Have you ever been charged with crime or have a criminal Record? If so what for? As a Freelancer before I recently purchased my Ageira ID I was on good terms with most factions but trade was long and boring. Because of my short patience with an early trade route, I destroyed a BMM Depot. Not realizing until afterwards that BMM became a complete enemy. I hope to make amends by making them friendlies again Do you have any skills that you think will benefit you in the field you requested? I'm very good at evading enemies. And if in a crunch, I can find ways to get to my destination with cargo intact. Of course, that didn't always work. Tell us about yourself. My mother was one of the most trusted inventory clerks for the Order. I never knew my father. I've heard from an admiral that he might have been a Corsair/Hacker half-breed who defected to the Kusari Naval forces. I'm still researching. But the information I might need could be thousands of light years away:unsure:
I myself was born in the Omicron Gamma sytem, but my mother moved to Kyushu when I was only about 9 months old. When I was approxamately 22, I decided to explore. I worked as a musician at Pittsburg; music is what I love the most. My mother had saved enough money for me to buy a small ship and a few supplies. I end up having a personal residence which I bought in Ontario. I know it's isolated, but at least I have some peace and quiet. And no worries since the navy is stationed throughout the region.
I had a girlfriend. She was from the Leeds system. Her father owned a ship depot on the planet of the same name. She was on her way to meet someone, I don't know who, when a Phantom destroyed the transport ship she was on; it was bound for Liberty space.
OOC Information:
Character Names:Only one: Apocalypse2001
Skype Handle: john.pothitos.manolessos
Timezone:Athens, Greece (GMT+02:00)
Do you have your own vessel you will be using? I currently switched from a Firefly transport to a civilian Heavy Tanker Have you been sanctioned within the last six months? No.