nimble as hell. perfect for artilery purposes. has an awesome main gun that makes turtle stew like nodoby's business. perfect to whack bs with. in pairs they are a pure nightmare for any bs.
against gbs and cruisers, it won't fare well. its performenace against (heavier) cruisers isnt great and its powerplant wont allow it to lay out a lot of hurt on enemy smaller caps that chase you. basically: it does well against bs, but is 'meh' vs everything else.
lotsa hull. lotsa guns, including 2 bs ones. and a powercore that will keep you going for quite a while. Not that it's an issue, because you will be dead before 'quite a while' has passed.
It's sluggish as hell in the agility department. It handles like a drunken cathedral. it has no thruster so you will be hit pretty much by everything. if a bs manages to get close to you, you're dead. bombers can easily snac it.
GBs can easily tear it apart because you dont have the speed to keep them in weapon's range. enemy cruisers will just pulse/mortar you to bits.
my advice: stay away from it.
Only thing it's good at is hurling hurt from a distance: it can spam pulses, missles and LM quite well. but as soon as you get targetted, its time to say g'bye.
so, there ya have it.
the siegie is a specialised bs killer and is medicore/bad at pretty much everything else.
the LABC is, well, crap at pretty much everything.