Guten Tag, BDM Oberkommando, I´m sending you report about my prometheum acquiring mission, which you assigned me few days ago. To sum it up on beginning of my report, I was succesful, but on the other way, I will to go back to Gallia for another prometheum too.
But first things first. You assigned me this mission - and I want to say that I believe I am one of the most right people for missions in Gallia due to my sojourn there and my language skills - when I was on planet New Tokyo so I immediately started preparations. Fortunately, my contact which arranged for me Gallic ship and Gallic original papers delivered me this stuff just a day after you contacted me. I mentioned him in my last report so I think you know who am I talking about.
The fact that I had ship from Gallia made me a lot of thing easier. For example I have a navigation maps so I don´t had to find the way in it. On the other hand, I know the way to Languedoc system from the times when I lived here anyway.
After I took off from New Tokyo, I flew through Kyushu system to Tau-23 which is enter gate to Gallia from Kusari side of Sirius. Here I made a stop at IMG´s Java Station to refuel and obtain info about current situation in Gallia. I met here in a bar one very cute freelancer, Fabien Dubois. He was lightly drunk so it was not difficult to make him talk about how things are going in Gallia now. It showed that he is a smuggler who is flying between Sirius and Gallia with contraband, mainly drugs. He is also in contact with Gallic unlawful groups so he told me a lot about them and also some of their bases in Gallia, because...well men are all the same everywhere, they are talking very much when they are trying to amaze woman which is nice smiling on them and especially when they are drunk *smile* But after I spent a night with, on the station, I continued on my way to Gallia.
By the way Moonbeam light fighter is really great ship for recon, fast and maneuverable. You can see my new sweetheart here in hangar of Java station (show image #1), very well spent money from BDM sources I have to say.
Because Fabien...herr Dubois!...told me that in these days there is lot of police activity in Gallia due to some kind of big raid on smugglers, I decided to not dock on police or corporations stations, because this atmosphere was not good time for test of my papers. For this reason I flew discreetly through Orkney system and jump hole in minefield to Languedoc where I docked at Lodeve Space Port which belong to Gallic Junkers and I know this station from times when I lived in Gallia. It was the best choice because Gallic Junkers are same as Sirian Junkers so great place to hide without unwanted questions or attention. At least I thought it in this moment, later I changed my opinion but I will mention reasons later.
At Lodeve I refueled my ship again, bought supplies for travel in open space and then flew outside the lanes to Dauphine jump hole. Here I found a base which belong to Macquis - in short group which fight against Gallic Monarchy and lawful forces using violence - called Grenoble Depot. Thanks to knowledge from herr Dubois, I managed to be not considered as suspicious and they allowed me to dock for refueling (show #2).
I also started here discreetly obtaining information about avaibility of prometheum, but there was only a small amount of this commodity which was reserved to Macquis and their allies only. But technician which was refueling my ship told me to try hidden base of The Council - I think you know who are they very well - in next system.
I knew about this base called Macon also from herr Dubois, so I decided to fly there, because this clues let me to an idea to get prometheum from this source. The Council has to own a lot of this commodity due to fact that they not use only fighters, but also capital ships. And I knew that they still control at least part of the system called Champagne from freelancer that I met in Rheinland some time ago - details are in my report from 13th January.
Based on this idea I decided to fly to Macon and there gather information how can I go to Champagne system. This included travel over nearly two whole systems in open space, but I spent the time by admiring of beauty of Gallic space, which is so nice as you can see (show #3, #4, #5). I managed to make my travel without any problems or just been seen by anybody, and finally get there (show #6, #7). Macon astonished me, it´s base in asteroid field which is build in the giant asteroid, but there is a huge space in it (show #8).
After I refueled my ship I tryed to gather information about a way to Champagne system, because at Macon prometheum was also restricted only to Council and their allies. It showed up that this information is highly classified but I understood from one chat, that I heard in a bar at station, that jump hole is not far from station.
By the way I heard another interesting information here. One less important from a station technician was about fact that The Council in Gallia is able to have contact with the exiles in Sirius via Sirian Neural Nets (show #9). But I got much more important information from one Council recon pilot. He told me that Gallic Junkers are spies of the Gallic crown and they steal Sirian technologies and gather information for the crown and government (show #10). Really important information to my future contact with them, and I think also to the Vaterland. We should be much more careful about this people when we will see them in Rheinland.
After took off and a few tens of minutes of searching I found the jump hole to Champagne. I have to say that this system (show #11) was full of surprise. There are not only some bases of The Council, Macquis and other unlawful groups, they control the whole system!
First base which I met was Reims Station (show #12) which belong to The Council. Same story about access to prometheum as before, so I only refueled and got some sleep here. But I heard an interesting idea from a technician in a docking bay. He told me that in his opinion Gallia government is seeking military supremacy over the whole Sirius, not only Bretonia or Liberty (show #13). And I must say that this idea is similarly same thing that I wrote in my application to BDM - Gallia has power that nobody in Sirius can imagine, so is able to conquer Sirius and also Rheinland if we will not be prepared in same way as Bretonia was.
But let´s move on. The advantage of stay in Champagne system was fact that I finally could use trade lanes without any fear of police control, so traveling was much more easier and faster. By the way, Gallic trade lanes are very different from ours because they are horizontal oriented, and they look really nice (show #14). Also jump gates look very differently (show #15, #16), and fact that they are opening to sides and not to the front like Sirian gates make their use much more comfortable to big ships.
From Reims I flew to Courville Wreck station (show #17), at Burgundy jump gate partly repaired Gallic police station which was destroyed during civilian war between The Council and Gallic Royal Navy. It was obvious that here is no chance to get prometheum and I was right, there was not a single unit of it. But at least I saw another beatiful views of Champagne system from this place (show #18, #19).
But when I returned to Reims, I met here Council battleship (show #20, #21)! Really beatiful piece of war machine (show #22, #23, #24)! I made some screens and scans of weapons and equipment what can be helpful for our experts due to fact that Council is using very similar capital ships as Gallic Royal Navy. But I had to get out soon because captain of that battleship told me *words with gallic accent* "to stop interfere here and get out before he shoot me down like a goose". And because it´s not good to argue with captain of battleship if you are not sitting in another one, I took the lane to another station - Mazagran Depot. Screens and scans of Council battleship are in data attachment of this message.
Mazagran Depot (show #25) belong to the Macquis and serve as base of raids to the rest Gallia space. Due to this fact it is full of criminals, pirates, smugglers and other scum like this. Very dangeours place but also full of interesting information.
I again talked with people in the bar and...well, based on my experience how much information I gathered here, I think that if will BDM hire only bartenders from space stations in whole space, we will have all the important information because this people must know everything what is going on in universe... *smile*
First I got pieces of interesting information from Gallic Royal Navy deserter named Fabrice. He told me some details about minefield that was barrier between Sirius and Gallia (show #26, #27). Then I spoke and bought some glasses of brandy to smuggler called "Foxie", who told me that even a Gallia has problems with artifact smuggling in same way like we at Sirius, and from his words also followed that Gallic Royal Police has problems with corruption (show #28). But obviously most interesting information had a bartender. When I asked him during our conversation on topic *words with gallic accent* "where a cute girl like me will sleep tonight" *smile*, on his opinion about Gallic Junkers, he told me nearly same what I heard at Macon base - that they are spies for government (show #29). Fact that two people told me that should be noticed and we really have to watch these people in our great Vaterland.
But my stay at Mazagran ended same evening as it start. After a drunk man tryed to mug and rape me at the bar toilets, I decided to quickly leave the station. First reason was that there was no chance to purchase prometheum here. And second...well, lessons of close combat at Ravenholm Training Facility and my fury made in result fact that this men will in future always eat liquid food only, so I didn´t want to wait when his cronies or station security show up and start making problems.
My another stop to which I put all my hope on gather prometheum was planet Marne, where civilian second gallic war started lot of years ago and now it´s under full control of The Council as I heard before (show #30). Where it should be avaible if not on the only inhabited planet in system? By the way, as you can see (show #31), Gallic docking rings are also different from Sirians, again with advantage of opening to sides.
After I arrived and docked (show #32), I immediately started to obtain information about avaibility of prometheum here and my hope was fulfilled, they had it here to buy (show #33). But things went wrong just when I wanted to buy it. It showed up that commodity trader require check of papers and ship flights memory to verify trustworthiness of people who want goods like prometheum. Because I worried about this, I didn´t buy it. I believe to my papers but I remembered that flights memory of my ship is too short now due to fact that it´s very new, and contain my docking at Gallic Junker space which could be suspicious after what all I heard about them.
So I went to a bar where I discreetly questioned some people about who here lead black market, because everywhere is black market. I met here one pilot of Gallic Brigands. As I understood previously, Brigands are loosely affiliated union of experienced criminals and other antisocial elements, many of whom are former Gallic Royal Police pilots, and are known to be the largest criminal organization in Gallia. And this men confirmed this and told me that if I want something from black market, Brigands are the ones who I have to ask for, because they lead this here (show #34). But he also said me that is better to avoid Council security at space ships launch site because they are watching what people have in their cargo hold and are suspicious about freelancers because between them are sometimes spies of Gallic inteligence service.
With this knowledge I took off from Marne without prometheum and decided to hide at Chalons-en-Champagne Station which is at orbit of Marne (show #35). I tryed to contact here somebody from Brigands and failed, but despite this my visit bring some useful information, again about Gallic Junkers. Bartender told me that one technician from The Council narrated him some time ago that Gallic Junkers are gathering information from Sirius Neural Nets, including confidential intel (show #36), and then bring all this data in special ships to Gallia (show #37). I think that no more words are needed here. If we see them in our Vaterland, they should be arrested and interrogated. I think that Oberkommando should also consider operation to gather information about relationship between Sirian Junkers and Gallic Junkers. What if Sirian Junkers are spies of Gallia too? They are everywhere in Sirius, they have important knowledge and governments and lawful forces have only small control over them. Perfect situation...
But back from my thoughts to a mission objective. I took off from Chalons-en-Champagne and though where to fly to contact anybody from Brigands when fortune kissed me and I met Brigands ship which just took off from Marne. I asked pilot named Emile Lalique (show #38) to buy for me some prometheum at Marne because *she changed voice to be like a theather actor* "I need it to my long journey" *smile*. He asked why I can´t buy it myself so I told him that because I´m trader with jewellery so I don´t want to dock because my cargo is valuable and I have to guard it. This explanation and a promise of good price for it was enough for him. And when he was going to dock, I got an idea and asked him also for some wine. Maybe you know, maybe not, but Gallic wine is delicious.
After some time, Emile appeared again and bring me five cargo units of both commodities that I asked for, and after I payed him 750 000 credits (show #39), he flew away. You can see record of all our conversation in data attachment.
When I had targeted prometheum onboard (show #40), I decided to travel as quickly as possible back to Schatten Research Facility via same route in open space as I flew to here: Reims-Macon-Grenoble-Java. Moonbeam is very good ship for this quickly movement due it´s high speed (show #41). In Sirius, I traveled without any problems through Kusari and Sigma-13 system and finally arrived at Schatten (show #42). After a long time in Kusari, Liberty and Gallia I have to say home, sweet home.
At Schatten I gave five cargo units of prometheum to one highly guarded depot (show #43), and five cargo units of delicious Gallic wine to another *smile* It´s just a small gift for you for your hard work, dear Oberkommando, I hope you will be satisfied with results of this mission.
But there is a one last thing. After I get some food...well, I really missed great original schnitzel, bratwurst or lovely strudel...and sleep, I talked with our main science officer about prometheum that I delivered and he told me important information. Prometheum that I gathered is a mixture with some additions which make unique finally product. By his opinion, there could be some differences between prometheum mixture used by The Council for their engines, and the prometheum mixture used by the Gallic Royal Navy or Gallic corporations. For this reason, I´m planning another journey to Gallia on which I want to obtain prometheum from this source of Gallic lawful units. So if there will be any other requirements from you, please inform me before I leave Schatten what will be probably next week.
Für Folk, für Kanzler, für Rheinland!
agent Sabine Stein
Buro Der MarineIntelligenz
Scanner logs of Council battleship: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9
Communication log with Emile Lalique: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6