FROM: Robert Pirx, Freeport 5
TO: Alfonso Benitez, Etna Base
CC: Selena Benitez, Yaren Base
Hola Senores
Thank you for the information and guidance about the needs and the offer of Etna Base. Currently I am working on the possibilities of reaching the Eta. The martial law in the Theta significantly complicated the matter. I think, I manage to work it out soon. Smuggling is our job too.
Please be patient, because the current political situation is extremely complicated. Zoners not only don't have a single leadership, but it seems that we are no longer a single community. Recent events have resulted in significant polarization of positions. More to that, there are accusations of treason, of selling the station to enemy - "Freeport Five is located in quite specific place. It's unable to protect itself. Freeport Five produces a specific state of mind. In other words, it looks like you have already sold yourself to Corsair Empire." Could it be true? We do what we have to do to survive. The future will show the answer.
I hope that our cooperation will contribute to improving relations between the Zoners and Corsairs. We all need to think how it should look like. Both parties need to decide what they want from the other party and whether the other party can meet these requirements. Of course, if there is will for cooperation at all.
It seems that both nations must first seek to understand each other, and then determine whether they want to cooperate. Zoners rose in power and along with that their pride increased. Corsairs should understand that Zoners rather die than be someone's slaves. And because Zoners strength is considerable and they have the ability to organize a broad coalition, it will not be easy to beat them, if at all possible. Zoners must understand that the Corsairs do not need them anymore and they want to get rid of dependence on Zoners which offends their pride.
The two nations can either cooperate or fight. Both are equally responsible for the future. There will be peace and prosperity, or war zone and scrap fields in Theta. Sorry about the wall of chaotic thoughts but times are tough and thoughts are clouded.
Dear Selena Benitez.
Thank you very much for inviting me to Yaren. I will try to visit your station. To tell the truth only once I was in the Delta, so I have no idea what was happening there. I know this is a war zone. Order, Core, Corsairs, I do not know who fights with who, I'm sure everyone fights with the Nomads. Total mess. I have no idea who manages the FP11 and who is there. Probably Omicroners, and this causes it will be difficult to talk to them. They are "real" Zoners, or it's me, or nobody is. In any case, I'll try.