' Wrote:You don`t need one.
Reavers no collect bounties in dreads.
As an HQ? You don`t need that as well. Imaging a lot of reavers aboard one vessel. That could posses a nice target for those, who would be glad to see you dead.
The most dreadful vessel I can imagine is Eagle.
Keep it all about that.
Well and you didn`t get wild enough if you came up to the idea of own capital vessel.
You won`t scare anyone with that, even how much overpowered it could be.
I`d say - go for Eagle issued specially for you. Mass` work, for example?
It's impossible we get a capital (rofl). Or even a ship. Or even guns.
Devs won't allow it with our current roleplay.
I just want a nice model to be done so i can post images and shiz made with 3d programs to get some nice roleplay ambiance.
[8:32:45 PM] Dusty Lens: Oh no, let me get that. Hello? Oh it's my grandma. She says to be roleplay.
[12:12:00] Traxit: this is smut stop