Thought I'd collect some feedback on my interactions ingame, where and when they happen. If you want to comment on any forum RP stuff I've done, check my sig (though most is a bit outdated, old, almost obsolete).
ProjectX (And ReLIC, for future reference) - I won't say much, other than he's supposed to be an arse... Check my sig for related information, though, as stated above - it's outdated, some obsolete.
MM~Daniel.Graham (all variations of that character) - Just a generic knucklehead mercenary, there.
Mnemonic - My Hacker, he's an actual Hacker as opposed to a slack-jawed moron who's always getting high. He likes lemonade.
KTS-Nagasaki - Just your generic Kishiro-type character.
113th|Akio.Yuuki (all variations of that character) - One of the few 113th who's actually infested, for the most part his personality is suppressed, so little to see as far as 'character' goes (though sometimes it comes through, if only in small increments)