We have increased the coffers of Kusari immensely this day, at the loss of only one vessel; and managed to destroy two SF vessels, a Templar, the Gryphon, and a BAF Gunboat, in the process. A total of seven runs have been completed so far. Our first run consisted of four traders, the Yuuzai_Maru, the Kobiashi Maru, and our friends, the Yoda-[T] and the Farwren. Escorts included Commander Hayase leading, with Fighters Shoki and Ito_Yamato, and Captain Sulu's gunboat, the Sokaku. We had one minor accident, when the Farwren neglected to break formation when docking at Gran Canaria. Most of his ballast of diamonds was retrieved.
Throughout the day, the Kobiashi and the Yuuzai, accompanied by the Yamamoto did most of the trader work, with the assistance of various escorts: Obsidian Reaver, Youma_Tama, Konton.Megami, Shuutan, Kijutsu, and Kitsune Hotaru all escorted at one time or another.
On the final run,The SFF Gryphon Templar was destroyed near the Edinburgh jump hole in Tau-31 when it attempted to engage the trader Yamamoto. The Yuuzai-Maru and the Gunboat Kijuuki came to Yamamoto's aid, and the agile Templar was eventually decimated and destroyed by combined fire. The Kijuuki registered the killing shot. The Kobiashi, now ahead in Dublin, warned of an SFGB gunboat in system. As the Yamamoto jumped into Dublin, the dogged SF locked on him, disrupted him, and contined to pour fire into him at thruster speed. The Yuuzai and the gunboat Kijuuki in turn poured fire into the gunboat's stern, and the SF craft was forced to use many of its repair supplies.
Ufortunately, the Yuuzai's thrusters died before the Yamamoto could be saved; and it was only later, when the Kobiashi returned from O-49, that the remaining two traders and the Kijuuki forced the gunboat to retreat towards the Battleship Hood. Big mistake for he SF. Not only did a passing corsair, the Spirit Evil, take an interest in the SF gunboat, but the Hood started firing massive volleys at the misguided SF captain as well. The gunboat was finally dispatched by the combined KNF, KNT, corsair, and IMG BS's fire.
The financial tally for the day was impressive. The loss of the Yamamoto's cargo was unfortunate, but she will be ready for action again very shortly.
I commend all who participated. The refineries at Honshu are in full production again.
Further details and intel are avaiable on KNF Secure Alpha.