The Corsair-Freelancer cyborg, Jaden Armand, slowly enters the bar of HMS-Hood: the atmosphere at the time was noticeably heavy, the sound of drinks and bottles clinking in the air was everywhere, and people from all walks of life, pirates, smugglers, daring miners and other undesirables watched either the numerous viewscreen-monitors attached to the walls and ceiling or directly through the outside window that featured a race that was occuring just outside the Battleship.
Managing to dodge much of the hysteria of thrown creds, and possibly glassware as well, she eventually gets to the bartable and sits on one of the stools. She heaves a heavy sigh to herself as the bartender approaches her, 'Right... Give me a Saint Lukes... party strength,' and she grins to herself.
As the bartender went off, Jaden swivelled her stool around to watch at one of the viewscreens to see what all the commotion was about: apparently, it was an exhibition-match between a local Molly in his Bloodhound, and a visiting Lane-Hacker in his Dagger; how the latter got as far as Dublin without getting banged-up is anybody's guess, but there he was.
'Race...' Jaden shivered with failure... It was just recently that she had been in a race herself: Earlier, Jaden explained to David that she needed to do some bounties to get the merit for her guns, and the Mollys were prime targets for such; when David volunteered to head over to Dublin with her, Jaden just HAD to inflate the venture into a bet to who'd get there first, with a winning-prize of 1M Credits (originally 5M, but David decreased the price in 'pity' for her).
... Unfortunately, she lost that race... 'Darn Jump Gate being an equalizer... I could've SO won that race for sure if that gate had responded properly!' She bangs upon the bartable with an upset fist.
Finally, the drink she ordered came. Jaden grabs it and starts to drown her sorrows away, 'Heh... They don't make 'em like they used to.'
Still sipping her drink, she turned her eye towards the main viewing window: and there she saw David, enjoying the race to himself, holding a Sirius Credit Card on hand and nothing on the other; Jaden turned back to the bartender and said, '... Make that another Saint Lukes, Keeps.'
After the next one arrives, she grabs it and proceeds towards the Freelancer. Dodging the hysteria once again, she clears her throat a bit to get his attention and said, 'So who's winning?'
'The dagger in this race.' He responds without turning his gaze from the race, 'Not much to it, really: he's taking on a Wolfhound.'
'Pfff... Wolfhounds suck... Not that great of turning.' She gives the drink to him, who promptly accepts it.
All of a sudden, the Wolfhound suddenly tries to do a hard bank to the side, but ends up crashing into one of the race gates and takes out a tail fin in the process.
The whole crowd goes ballistic for a moment, 'BWAHAHAHAHA! What a loser!'
'Anyway...' He finds a chair and sits back, 'We should check the rooms and see if we can get some. If we can choose, that is, then get the best available.'
'Fine. I'll go check to see if they've got some decent... and safe ones free.' Jaden turns around and walks out the bar...
Soon, she is at the room-keepers desk. Jaden approaches the short counter, where at the back sat a bored, IMG man in his 40's, who was fiddling a bit with a strange, metallic rod.
'Hey, IMG. What've you got as the best?'
'Sorry, but I've got only a single room, missy. All th---'
'WHAT?!' She quickly takes out her pistol and points it at the man, 'What did you say?! ONLY a SINGLE ROOM?!'
'I can't do nothin' about it, arsehole! A couple of our mining ships just got back from the asteroid fields and are resting here.
'But anyway... With the way your hanging round that guy you're with, you look like your in a rela'"
The pistol in her hand starts humming excitedly, signalling that the safety had just been deactivated, 'You will NOT finish that sentence.'
'Uh... Okay... But if it'll help, it's got air-conditioning, a fine window-view of the outside, it's own private bathroom, and even soundproofing.'
Jaden thinks for a bit; she soon replies with some degree of embarrassment, 'Tell me... How many beds does it have?'
'Erm... 2.'
She puts down the pistol in a relieved sigh, 'Oh god, that was close... heh, fine. I'll take it.'
'That'll be 10000 for the night.'
'WHAT?! ten friggin' thousand for one friggin' night?!'
'HAHAHAH! Fine, fine... 1000.' He gives the room card to Jaden, who furiously swipes the item from his hands. Only too happily she storms out of the man's sight to see if the room'll turn out as it's said it'll be...
By the time Jaden re-enters the bar, the race was already over. With the initial excitement over, and the crowds having already dispersed, Jaden had no trouble in passing through. David now sat on one of the chairs near the center of the room, drinking a beer to pass the time he waited.
'Here's the room.' Jaden gave the card to the Freelancer before sitting down on a stool, 'I checked it out, and it's not too bad.'
'Alright... and your number is?'
David looks at the card for a moment, and afterwards raises his eyebrow, '... But that's this one.'
'Yeah... uh... About that...' Jaden scratches her head with a slightly-sheepish smile, 'There's only one room left in this hunk of junk. All the miners took the rest.'
'Ah... Yea, Kyle and I had some trouble getting a couple.
'Oh well...' He hands the card back and yawns a bit, 'I can sleep in my ship anyway.'
Jaden was dismayed at that remark, 'Eh!? Y-you don't wanna sleep there? It's got air-conditioning, its own restroom, and it's even got soundproofing so noises from the outside won't interrupt our sleep.
'Besides, it's got two beds! So we won't be needing to share a single one, in fact.'
He simply shrugs his shoulders, 'Meh, doesn't worry me. My ship's nice enough to sleep in, and it's not the first time I've done so.
'Anyway, I thought you'd like the privacy to yourself.'
Her face blushes slightly, 'Well, uh... ehm... what I meant was that... uh...' Then her face snobs up all of a sudden, '... You know what? Never mind then! I'll go have the room all to myself, hmph!'
David raises an eyebrow in surprise at her moodiness before shrugging his shoulders again without a care, 'Alright. I have a few things to do on my ship.'
'Right then,' she nodded, 'I'll stay here a bit longer to drink more before heading off to bed.
'I'll see you tomorrow.'
'That you will...' The Freelancer stands up from his seat to go to his ship, leaving the Corsair to her drink.
Jaden frowns to herself before sighing disappointedly, '... I know I don't wanna rush things, but... Is he really that slow...?
'I'm starting to think I should... 'up the ante' if I'm to get through that thick skull of his, if at all...' She grins slyly to herself, but the smirk turns wry as she looks at her ugly, robotic hand, 'I just hope I've still got it in me despite missing some... parts.'