The New Tokyo sun hung shallowly that late afternoon as the Terminal Velocity arrives above the Estate's Ship Hanger. Several minutes pass until the Tiger Shark smoothly lands on section-3, which was right in the middle of the large bay's flooring. Jaden slowly descends down the ladder from her cockpit, and does some stretching after a long week's worth of hunting in Dublin, which was unfortunately not that fruitful save for a single worthwhile bounty...
Finishing her session, she looks around and notices that David, and his ship, Gforce, aren't around, "... Huh... must still be busy..." She takes out her PDA and glances over the time, "... almost time for dinner... mmm..." Jaden slowly strips herself off of her black flight suit, save for her steel-toed combat boots; and underneath that thick jumpsuit was nothing more than a pair of black, skimpy, cotton-fabric bikini underwear.
Jaden always did feel a lot more comfortable the less clothing she wore on her: they only hindered her movements and made her feel heavier and more sluggish. In fact, she was at her best when her body was fully exposed and unhindered, where she wore absolutely nothing on her skin, except of course for some footwear for the cold and jagged floor; ironically, however, she usually was against having anyone, even robots, see her in her pure, primal form, due to common-sense implications that could AND would be brought upon her if ever she was caught exposed to the wrong people... at the wrong place... and at the wrong time...
... Eventually, Jaden reaches the welcoming place that was the living room. A quick review of the place, and concluding she's finally alone to herself, she grips the garter of her bikini with her fingers and slides the pieces down her body, fully exposing her entire body for no-one but herself to see and enjoy.
She hurriedly and excitedly jumps up into the air and then lands on the couch spot-on; but instead of the comfy whoosh-sound of soft pillow on her tush, was the hurtful sound of a hard object's bludgeon on flesh and bone.
Quickly standing back up, and rubbing the reddened area painfully, she eyes around to find out what hard object she had the misfortune to land on; it was a remote... But something was peculiar and unique about this remote, for it had different buttons and names for the buttons that made it stand out from the NIV.
She picks it up and scans it thoroughly, soon arriving to what looked like the universal sign of the power button. She presses it, and suddenly the entire wall that held the mini-bar slides open, revealing a mysterious, dark room; Jaden could only stare out for a brief moment in amazement at the discovery.
Putting on her underwear and taking out her reserve gun from underneath the couch, she proceeds to enter the room. She tries pressing another button on the remote, and quickly the lights go up, revealing a very large, white room that was empty of anything but a chair near the center, and a large, white screen dominating one side.
Jaden fiddles around with the remote a bit more, until she accidentally presses one button. In seconds, the whole room fills up with lots of holographic letters that spouted what seemed like drop-down options; after more experimentation, she finally arrives to the conclusion, "... a Holo-room? Now why didn't I notice this thing?"
Looking around, a devilish smile quickly appears on her face, "... hmmm... Maybe after I go prepare dinner I'll see what this place has to offer, heheheh..."
... 1 hours and 34 minutes later...
The sun had long sank beneath the horizon by the time David's Virage, Gforce, arrives, the ship only visible from the bright-red docking lights that flashed occasionally.
After the usual docking procedures, the Virage now landed on section-1, he lets out a low yawn as he unstraps himself from the cockpit, "Well at least the bomber is on its way."
Getting out of the ship soon after checking everything is order, David heads to the main building without even bothering to even take out his flight-suit, "Where are you Jaden? I don't want to surprise you like you did me."
... When David enters the living room, the first thing that greets him is a finely-decorated table: with a blood-red cloth skirting, yellow chrysanthemum petals garnering much of the table surface, a very large, pre-cut burger on the center, a red candle & sweet-smelling local flowers on a thin pot just beside, and two plates and silverware on the side, it somewhat resembled more of a restaurant-style set-up than an ordinary dinner.
... But on the corner of his ear he notices some muffled disco music on one of the walls, the sounds just finishing it's cycle, "Don't tell me..." He groaned.
He moves to the wall and presses his ear to it, and pauses for a moment.
"Yep... She's found it... Now where's the remote?"
He looks around for a second, and is relieved it's still on the couch.
After grabbing the remote and pressing the power button, the wall slowly opens, revealing a dark room that's wildly-illuminated with strobe and laser-holographic lights all around the four corners like a full-on nightclub; near the center is Jaden, who is wearing only her black, cotton bikini-underwear and ebony-black high-heel shoes; With the room being dark, her eyes closed, and a New song just beginning, its volume tuned to the max that the bass beats could be felt by David's chest, she hadn't noticed that the portal had opened as she soon began to dance provocatively to the music.
//Notes: depending upon your region, this may NOT be work-friendly, nor suitable for ages <16; also, the links are not necessary, and are just there for those that want to get a perspective of how the event would've looked like//
//Instructions: the dancing vid is to be muted; play the music vid first until 0:08, and then play the dancing vid, so as the movements will be in-sync with the music//
David rubs his face in disbelief to make sure what he's seeing is real.
“... uh... Ooookaaaayyyy...”
He quickly closes the wall and then thinks to himself, “... How can I make her stop... Oh I got it!” He then runs out of the building towards the hangers. Soon the blast of the Gforce's engines can be heard roaring to life all across the entire Estate.
Despite the beating music surrounding her, from out of the corner of her ear, Jaden catches the faint, yet still noticeable roar of engines firing up, “... Huh? He's here?”
She immediately stops dancing, then after waving her hands around some drop-down holo-display-options everything quickly stops and goes back to the original white room.
Then she looks at herself and realises she's only wearing underwear, “... uh-oh... I better change to something more decent before he sees me!” She opens the wall and sprints towards her bedroom.
After David lands the Virage again, hoping that Jaden will have heard the engines, he walks back into the building, “Where are ya Jaden?”
“I'm here, David.” She's now wearing only plain-black tank-tops, along with a knee-length, black-pleated skirt and black high-heels, “Heheheh, sorry I don't have any other decent clothes to wear cause they're still being cleaned.”
“That's fine.” He proceeds to sit on one of the chairs on the dinner table, “What have you been up to?”
“Well...” Grinning as she begins to sit on the other chair, she continues, “... I found your secret holo-room... not so secret anymore, though, heheheh.
“But if you're talking about beforehand, I've just been doing some more escort missions.”
“Oh... I guess I forgot to put the remote away”
Her grin quickly turns sour, “... Sat on the darn thing... ugh...” She rubs the affected area painfully, “... still hurts, too...”
“You must have jumped on it pretty hard...
“Anyway, what's all this?” He points to the decorations on the table with a weird look, “I didn't think the bot could do that... not without the upgrade at least.”
“Well... the bot just cooked the burger... but it was I who did the preparations. I hope it's not too fancy?” She places both elbows on the table top and leans her chin on her hands, “Let me tell you! Those flowers over there grow like grass around this Estate!” She points over to the sweet-smelling flowers on the pot.
“You picked every one of those yourself, even the Chrysanthemums?”
“Uh... the latter I just asked the bot to grab, then I plucked the petals and spread it around. Didn't take too long: 'took the bot only half an hour to get them.
“But as for the former, well... Most of them were still immature. I got lucky finding a few which were already blooming this season.
“... or maybe I was just lazy... just picked the nearest blooming flowers I found, and then left it at that! Nothing too hard about that, Si?”
“Umm... Sure”
“So yeah... not much else of interest happened. Just managed to escort some very quiet and un-entertaining traders to-and-fro for a few hours before heading back.
“Not much excitement either: no pirates, no anomalies... just plain boring...”
“Easy money.” David remarked as he sliced a piece of burger for himself.
“Yeah... 10M credits of easy money.” Jaden grabs a slice puts it on her plate, “... So how goes you're day? Took you long enough to come here.” She forks some into her mouth as she finished her statement.
“Oh... I was just... getting some plans, organising the bomber to moved... That kind of stuff.” He grabs the piece by the hand and simply takes a large bite out.
“Getting some plans?” She raises an eyebrow at him; suddenly her eye shoots wide open in surprise, “OH! What was that you said about you having a 'better' yacht than that Hogosha? You especially don't LOOK like one that does...”
She suddenly looks around her before saying, “... uhm... You know what, I take that back,” And she smirks sheepishly, “So yeah... is that true?”
“Well... I always wanted a mobile place... And there's a good deal on those... umm... it starts with 'D' in the model label...” He scratches his chin in thought.
“... D... D?” Jaden slumps a bit down under the table; she gets her PDA, and punches in the letter 'D' in the search bar; her eye shoots wide open again, and even the ocular implant's coronea increases in size, as she leaned back on the chair.
“... You can't be serious... a 'Democritus'?!”
“Yea that thing.
“The weapons systems are a bit of a challenge though. It has a boat turret of all things!”
Her jaw drops down to the floor, and saliva starts dripping a bit to the side of her mouth.
“And I have to make sure it stays in sink with the other turrets, which is going to be har---” He notices Jaden's blank stare, “... You ok?”
She tries to recover herself, her face blushing slightly, “Uh--I--I meant that, uh, I uh... uhm...” Then she quickly stares back at her plate, and continues eating silently.
He raised an eyebrow in a bit of surprise, “I didn't know you thought that highly of those things.”
“Wha-wha-what?! Huh?! ... oh... uh...” The Corsair scratches her head sheepishly, “... Well... it's just that... I've never, uh... been in a luxury yacht before... and... I've heard the stories, and...”
She places her utensils down on the tabletop; then she places an elbow on the table, her hand on her chin, as her mind starts to drift off for a moment in seeming-bliss, “... Yeah... the stories of how they had everything in those yachts... everything... red, fluffy cushions made from the finest Libertonian wool... hot spa-pools that could take away even a month's-worth of stress and age... mini-bars that had drinks even as far back as the 4'th century... and best of all... privacy at its' awe-inspiring best...” It seems she was enjoying her visions as she sighs flustered to herself.
“Well... I guess you would end up on it... So I guess you can help with some of the designing; but the bridge is strictly mine.”
“... Designing? It's still under construction, or you meant the interior furnishings?
“But hell! A yacht, you say? And I can help in modeling it? Oh, Hesus Christo... now THAT... would sure make a woman get all flustered up. Just imagine the possibilities: state-of-the-art security system, suite-style luxury-class modules, the best swimming pool you could ever dip your skinny-arse in...”
“Skinny-arse? That's some detail.
“And since the thing is still in planning it'd be good to get it underway soon.”
“So you really do have that much dough on you to make so much meaty bread?”
“Well... I can afford most of it, but I'd be paying it off for years; And I want Mk-V armour, which ain't cheap: 88 million! Just for the armour!”
Jaden, upon hearing that last part, went into shock, “Oh my god... 88 million... and how much did the yacht alone cost?”
“Umm... basic model is 72 million.”
“Damn... My current account can't even cover up 4/5 of that thing's cost!”
“Yea... But the good thing is if I can pay half before construction they'll give me till the end of construction to raise the extra cash.
“And they say it'll take about 3 weeks.”
“... and how long ago was this?”
“I'm hoping to have the plans done and construction started by the start of next week.” He replied
“Huh... Maybe tomorrow I'll see those plans and see what I can do, eh?”
“Sure. But remember, the bridge is MINE!”
She rolls her eyes unimpressed, “Meh... I don't care about piloting the thing...
“... All I want is to LIVE in it to my heart's content...” and she sighs again happily.
David puts up an eager smile, “Well... Seeing you seem so keen on it, why don't we spilt the ownership? 50/50? That way, you can also pay half of construction.”
“... Fif... Fifty-fif---” Her face goes into shock, and her eye starts twitching involuntarily, “... My account... my precious, precious account... only got 50M on me, excluding today...”
“Well if not, it's going to cost me about 165 million.” He simply shrugs his shoulders and takes another bite.
“Oh my God... oh my God... oh my...”
“Of course, we could go with the lower armour: Mk-IV is only 48 million... But is 0.3 times less effective.”
“... 120 Million... uhm...” She counts a bit using her fingers, “60M for both of us, if fifty-fifty... uhm...” She braces both elbows on the table, both hands now covering her face, “... What to do... so much of my money... but... for the ultimate of luxuries...
“... money... or ship ... money... or ship ... money... or ship...” She rants on to herself
“Well, If you don't pay anything, I'm still going to get it. I can make 60 million in 3 weeks.”
Jaden breaks out of her hysteria upon hearing David, “Hmph... You make it sound so easy...
“But now that I think about it, actually it's not that hard, but...”
“So that's... what? 20 million a week? You yourself said you made 10 million today alone.”
“yeah... that... but---”
David finalises his decision, “Yea, I'm going to get Mk-V armor.”
Jaden couldn't help but sob silently a little.
“Last thing I want to do is have it built and then blown up because it lacks a bit in plat---”
Then the Corsair suddenly slams the table with her robot arm, “... If I'm going to help you pay the thing... then there's also MY condition, si?”
He riled his head back in amazement, “... Eh?”
Jaden continued, inner fury evident in her eyes, “... I'm designing the furnishings for the thing, the interior security and amenities, the rooms save for the bridge, there'd be the best pool, the most deluxe and comfy rooms, the best luxury goods, anything and everything money could ever buy from Spa and Cruise.”
“So what? You want me to pay you for designing my ship which I'm paying for even though your designing it for you and you will be able to get on it for free?”
“I'm not asking for you to pay me... I just want the interiors and luxuries accorded to MY wants and needs. Of course, I'd also make sure it's comfy for you... for both of us... I just want it to be the best IF I'm pitching in... is that acceptable?”
“It's up to you if you help pay for it,” and he stares back, “... but remember that's it MY ship: If I don't like something, it goes out...
“... Especially you.”
The Corsair clenches her fist and gnashes her teeth angrily; but she quickly calms down, and slumps back on the chair, her face very evidently sad, “... You're right... it's your ship... I can't do anything about it if you so choose... hell, I should be thankful I'm even living here in this estate... with you... free of charge...”
He angles a frown before continuing, “... Look, even if we made 5 million a day each and only worked 5 days a week. We'd still have more than enough to buy this thing.”
“Y... yeah...”
... a moment of silence before Jaden continues, “... S... sorry for trying to push it... I had no right to do so...” and went to eat solemnly.
“I'm sure you wont be changing much anyway.” He makes a slight grin.
She smiles a bit, “... so... uh... was that all you did today?”
“Yea... That, and get a copy of the Havok built. I also lined up one for your ship as well.”
“Oh, you did? That's good... I'll also need the manual for the scanner, but you can give it to me tomorrow.”
A disbelieved grin cracks on his face, “How the hell could you not see the ore?”
“Hey! I just got this ship a month or two ago, so you know... still trying to work out the... quirks you put into that Tiger shark...”
“That reminds me... I still don't know where to sell that stuff at round here.”
"Didn't I say they sold those things big at Detroit Munitions, back at Liberty? I already sold my ore there before coming back here, so yeah...”
She rolls her eyes before proceeding, “... and if it'll put your mind at ease, no... I wasn't followed.”
“But I know you can sell it good 'round here: I escorted two mining ships up here once.”
“Hmmm... how long ago was that run?” Jaden moved the hand that held her fork to point at David.
“Only about 2 weeks ago.”
“... is that right...? Huh. The stock market must've changed really quick for that to have happened in only 2 weeks... Ah, economics. A fickle thing at best,” and she finished off with a grin.
“That's why I let the traders ride the market, and I ride the traders: I get paid so long as they get from A to B.”
“True, that...” She takes a cut at her burger piece...
... another a pause of silence as the two continue eating...
Jaden glances her eye slightly to the left and right; Then she looks at David, who still went on eating heartily; she starts biting her lip a bit, her cheeks slowly starting to blush.
All of a sudden her hand slips as she was cutting a piece with her knife, and the utensil drops to the floor beneath her; she gives a disappointed frown to herself, “... great... my knife fell.”
She very slowly starts bending down on her chair to pick the knife up with her hand; David could plainly see Jaden's cleavage through the top of her black tank-top as she stooped, her breathing somewhat slower and more pronounced than usual; though he couldn't help but glance for a moment that's as much as he did before going back to his food.
Eventually, Jaden manages to grab the knife, then leans back on her chair with relief, “... Darn silverware.”
“You'd know I was a rich man if they were made of silver.” He sarcastically remarked.
She replied the remark with a quick smirk, “... You're already rich, considering you're the one with the yacht.”
“Not yet, I only have enough to pay for half.”
She waves her right hand in the air unenthusiastically, “Well, a yacht's a yacht, and no ordinary guy could ever save enough to even have 1/10'th of the money to pay for it.”
As her arm goes down, the sleeve of her tank-top slides down, leaving her shoulder bare. She looks at the sleeve for a moment, then grabs it and lifts it slowly back up to her shoulder, muttering somewhat to herself, “... mmmm... note to self... be more spendthrift...” She grins sheepishly to herself before continuing to eat.
“Oh, that reminds me... It needs a name.
“I've already used the good ones on my ships... And if your going to pay for part of it, it has to be a name you'd like too."
She ponders the question for a while, “Hmmm... mmmm...” Then her eye narrows at David, and makes a foxy smile, “... How about... the Cunning Linguist...?”
David raises an eyebrow at her suggestion, “Waa? I can't even be bothered to think about what that means.”
“Didn't hurt to try, si? ... Something you'd like, eh?
“Oh yeah... I've always wondered why you call yourself the 'G'... What does the 'G' stand for, anyway?”
“It's my last name, Gee. It's pronounced just 'G', so that's where that came from.”
“... But the name Gforce on your ship... it sounds akin to what people call G-forces like increased gravity when you experience fast manoeuvres on ships.
“You made that connection yourself?”
“Me and the many many people who have found me and my ship.” He chuckles for a short time as he went on eating.
“... anyway... A good name...?”
“... How bout... Ultrasound? Cause isn't going to be a mobile version of this place.”
“... ultra... what-now?” She gives a strange look at him, "Ultrasound?”
She thinks for a moment before rolling her eye, “... It doesn't sound bad, but it isn't amazing either... why that?”
“Well... Have you a better idea?”
“Uhm... how about... uh...
“... Bane of LSF?” She grins at David, which made it evident it was meant to be a joke.
“Please... I don't want the name to stand out. If the LSF don't notice the construction of this thing, we'll have a place to fall back on.”
Jaden thinks again, “... Eternity's Chord?”
“And the meaning of that IS?” He pointed a wry grin at her.
She raises her eyebrow as if not expecting the response he gave, “What are you implying? It just sounds all so luxurious, and all...”
“Well the name has to have a meaning behind it.”
“Or... how about the Silver Lining? Would make the ship sound like hope and all that jazz...”
“EH... That doesn't really fit for a ship...
“We need something interesting, with meaning, but not blaringly obvious.”
“... Uhm... The Unfaltering?” but she starts to grin again after a few moments, “Nah... sounds too generic, heheh.”
“Right now it's either Ultrasound or Eternity's Chord... And I'm liking Ultrasound better: makes the ship sound like it's a rave pad or something, just another rich junky throwing away credits.” he said, smiling to himself.
“Hmmm... how about... Angelic Temptation?”
“It means?”
Her response was a devilish grin, “... A place where even the innocent can't help but submit to their darker side of sexy...”
David raises an eyebrow, “And WHY would we want to call it THAT?”
She plainly continues, “What? You don't like that theme? I thought that would make it sound interesting.
“Just imagine...” And her mind starts drifting off again, “... all of your heart's desires, taboo or not, fulfilled and sated to your will's content, and that not even the LSF could interrupt your own deepest, darkest desire from being fulfilled...”
“... uhhh... I must be missing something with this yacht-thing: it's just another ship, like a Virage, 'cept it's a tad bit bigger.”
Jaden raises her voice at him, “It's not JUST a ship, David! That's the point!” Then she calms down again to her elated daydreaming, “... The Democritus was originally designed to be a luxury ship that could still pack a punch when put in a tight spot. It could satisfy anyone's deepest, darkest, and most provocative desire, whilst still keeping their secrets reasonably-safe from mortal eyes to see. It's the closest thing a civilian could EVER get to executive-class other than being a government official and getting a dedicated luxury liner.
“... and THAT'S why I want something royal or rich-blooded for a name... or at least something really hot.” She closes her eye as she bites her lip in what looked like ecstacy.
"Well... Until you come up with a better one, it's Ultrasound.”
She makes a disappointed frown, “... Hmph... your ship, your call... But I still think Angelic Temptation, or at least Eternity's Chord, sounds more sassy."
“I don't want sassy! I want something smooth... Something that'll allow that ship to fit in anywhere with any crowd.”
Her next words were lipsed to herself, “... How 'bout Shmuck's more like it...” She rolls her eyes, “Anyway... You never told me you had a holographic room, David. Why keep something as cool as that from me?”
“Because it has some equipment in there that not many people know about. I'm sure you didn't notice them: I've hidden them well.”
Jaden raises her eyebrow, “... oh? Like what? Experimental weapons? Secret Training Scenarios?” She pauses a bit, then she starts to grin very lustfully, “... Your own realistic porn selection?”
His reply was short, and immediate, “No, yes, and yes.”
“Huh, figu--- wait, WHAT?! You're NOT hiding the fact if you're porn's there?!” The Corsair was struck with disbelief.
“And I also have a connection to some very close people who can get me things quickly. I'd hate to see them caught.”
“Oh... yeah, I guess so.” She bows her head a bit and lips her next words, “HOLY FRAK! That [A.D.M.I.N. Censored] would've really helped me in knowing his tastes more!”
She raises her head back up, “Mmmm... yeah. Anything else I should know more about that room that would be a no-no to access?
“... I'll be a good girl... I promise...” She tries to smile as innocently as she could.
He scoffed as he pointed out, “Heh, right...First thing your going to do is try and find the porn, next the contacts! I KNOW how you tick...”
She was taken aback at his observation, “Wha--- now WHY would I wanna try to access your porn collection!? I'm not a lesbo!” A bead of sweat slowly trickles down her right cheek.
“You'd delete it most likely.”
Her next words were of a calmer disbelief, “Huh? Delete them? Now I myself even admit that'd be a low-blow for anyone to do. Actually, I was thinking more of us--- HEY! WAIT A MINUTE! Why would I wanna get involved with any of those gross fantasies anyway?!” She quickly raises her voice again.
David scratches his chin in disappointment, “Well... It seems I haven’t gotten you figured out yet...”
She began to sound a bit more furious, "WHA--- Figured me out?! Is that what you think? Now why am I not surprised? Your wit's slower than I thought! Why, you probably couldn't tell if a stripper was trying to flirt with you even if she smacked her naked boobs in front of your face! Why, your wit's so slow you still haven't realized that ever since I nearly lost you those couple of weeks ago, I've been in L---” She suddenly hesitates, “I-I mean...
“... that... I've been in L... L... Liking the way the robot cooks the burgers, HAHAHAH!” Her tone changed to that of hysteria, “Why, yeah! I've never eaten such fine burgers in my entire travels as the robot makes, HAHAHAH! Yup! They're mighty-fine burgers they are, HAHAHAH!
“Ahem... ehm... anyway---"
“Yet when you first got here you said you hated them...” David starts to slowly grin at her.
Her cheeks start to blush, “Eck... uh... Y... yeah... I, uh... hated the things when I got here, cause uhm... uh... I... uhmmmm....”
“I TOLD you they'd grow on you! Who could ever resist the masterpiece that is the hamburger?” He pointed his fork at her, which still had a piece of meat stuck on the prongs.
Jaden simply gives a blank stare at him for the next couple of moments; then she laughs out loud and continues, “Y-yeah... I uh... guess they did... yeah, that must be it...
“R-Right then! Let's go and finish this burger up before it starts getting cold, si?”
“That sounds like an excellent idea!” He continues eating.
She gives a VERY BIG sigh of relief to herself before shaking her head slowly from side to side as she continues on to eat.
... Soon, the large burger-cake was long gone. The two of them had a happy and satisfied look on their faces, “That... Was not bad at all.”
“Yeah. I never knew that thing was a lot heavier than I -BURP- thought... ehm... excuse me for that.”
As the robot starts gathering the plates to be washed, her eye wanders around a bit; she starts to twiddle her fingers somewhat anxiously, “... soooo... What now?”
“Well!” He gets up without a moment's notice, then heads off to the couch. He grabs the holo-room remote and opens up the room, “Lets take a look at the ship design eh? I'll show you how to use that holo-room too.”
“I thought we were going to do that tom---”
“Nah... I've got some things to do there, anyway. So might as well get this over with.” and enters the holo-room.