David gets in the chair, and instead of pressing the on-switch on the remote, he simply lifts both arms up, as if willing the room to activate... which it does, then numerous option-lists soon start appearing in front of him.
Jaden rolls her eye, "Pfff... show-off..." But she smiles to herself as she watched him continue.
After some time waving his hands around some diagnostics' tests, satisfied with the settings, he rubs his hands together, "Now... uhh... What's the name of the yacht model again?"
"Angelic Temptation." She replies without hesitation, grinning excitedly.
But a moment later she remarks with embarrassment, "... oh wait... Heheheh! You meant the model? It's a Democritus Yacht."
He rolls his eyes dryly, "Ah..." and he began again in a sharp, crisp voice, "... Democritius Yacht, floor plan."
Suddenly a large, slowly-turning translucent model of a Democritus Yacht, complete with all of the aesthetics and design features save for the weapons, appears in the middle of the room; first the outer hull plating fades and leaves the entire internal circuitry of the ship, then the circuitry fades away as well, which exposes the plumbing system, etc. etc., until everything save for the basic floor plan and inner furnishings remain; The layout was organized into numerous, differently-sized, 3-dimensional boxes and rectangles, each interconnected amongst each other, probably the representation of the various possible rooms in the ship, and their numbers and sizes only limited by this very bright border that outlined the outside of the layout, "Now... Want to make adjustments?" David looked back at Jaden.
She exclaims as if she had just gotten her present for Christmas and was really eager to open it, "Oh! Can I?" She approaches the side of David's chair, before takes one more step closer to the holographic projection.
"Just do it all with your hands. If it doesn't do something right, tell it to go back."
She tilts her head to the side a bit in confusion, "... so... Just like that...?" She tries waves her arm around the model's side first, which the whole layout rotates; she then tries to nip various boxes around with her fingertips until she felt comfortable with how it worked.
"Think of it as a ball in your hand: move your hands away, it gets bigger; together, smaller; you can spin it on the spot, anything!"
She turns back to David again, "Uhm... How do you make a certain box tile permanently-placed in an area in the case I'm satisfied on where it'll be, so I don't want it moved?"
"Double tap it." He replied.
"Now..." He swings the chair 180 degrees around; he brings up a large board with many different icons representing ships: it's clear this is a simulation of the still-ongoing Liberty/Rheinland war, the ships and the battleplain itself being properly-scaled to their appropriate sizes.
Jaden was now starting to fiddle around a bit, but then she had more questions needing answered; she turned back to David, but was disappointed to find him watching something else, "He--- ..." She gives a very upset frown.
She turns back to the holographic image; then she pauses for a moment, a sly grin emerging from her face, "... Right then..."
"Montana... Move to F-4, mid! Prepare for long range bombardment of enemy capitals..." David points the Interceptor wing from the center-North side of the field to engage the oncoming Fafnir waves that cruised along through top of the plane's East in an arrow-formation; as the Liberators initiates a rain of chaos from below, the lumbering Dreadnought, LNS-Montana, begins to move into position near the east side along with the other Dreadnoughts to form a parallel-line formation.
... Meanwhile, Jaden opens up a list of options to the side of the projection; she eventually taps one, and the drop-box closes; without warning, provocative music is heard throughout the entire room.
She continues to move the floor plan boxes around and starts re-arranging them, but the way on how she does it is in a sort of dance... a very provocative dance; though her hips move slowly from side to side, and her hands flowing around her body in a sensual manner, the job was still being done, and the floor plan still went on to take shape.
Interrupted by the sudden pulse of music, he looks behind him and exclaimed, "What the...?" When he notices Jaden dancing, he simply shakes his head, "Sounds screen, middle room."
All of a sudden, a force field pops to life in-between him and her, splitting the room in two; almost immediately the music on his side stops pulsing, bringing the room back to its quiet-state, "Now... Chicago, launch bomber wing, and target that bloody huge brick eating the Montana!" He starts exclaiming as the Rheinland Battleships start focus-fire on the LNS-Kentucky
Jaden, however, looks behind for a moment, and is quickly surprised to see this force field behind her, "Wha--... Hmph..." She went on her usual dancing, but not with the same energy as before, continuing to plan out as usual.
After several rooms arranged, some security-turrets positioned in strategic positions, escape pods located in accessible areas, etc. etc., she does the usual routine: two of each utility room in case one of them breaks down, like two bathrooms, two repair rooms, two med-bays, and the like.
After the basics were done, she finally gets to the interior-aesthetic parts of the ship. The first room she organizes is a large spa area, the circular pool filling up most of the space; on one side there were massage tables, while the other harbored a cocktail lounge and round tables with soft, adjustable neon-based lighting, with small, waterproof, wooden chairs; the walls were decorated with many soft tapestries and various other Kusarian-style wallpapers; the pool, however, was the most meticulously-improved so it wasn't just an ordinary pool: it was given a thermostat, turbulence control, lighting-fixtures for safety and/or ambience, fog and even aroma emitters that spray out various fragrances that ranged from Libertonian-strawberry to Rheinland-mint.
On the other side and adjacent to the pool-room was placed a dedicated holo-room; basically, it was almost identical to the room they were currently in, but on a smaller scale to accommodate the size of the ship; but one difference with this one was that there wasn't a chair in the center of this room, so it was practically empty...
... Then she gets to the point of the quarter-rooms, where David and Jaden would sleep, "Ooooo..." and she makes a very big, lustful grin to herself.
She turns the two small, individual rooms into a single, large room where the walls would be painted goldenrod with brown-velvet trim, the floor lined with gold-colored tiles and a red carpet that led to the bed, full-surround-sound, more fragrance emitters hidden from view, strobe and laser lights alongside, and heavy-soundproofing that prevented any potential noises from coming in or out; there was only one very large bed with thick, blood-red sheets and blood-red pillows with a very large mirror placed right on top of it, then two wardrobes with no privacy-walls in-between, an NIV-screen opposite to the side of the bed, and a Kusarian paper chandelier on the ceiling; other than the bed, no other furniture save for a chair and one stiff, yet fancy workbench for any work to be done, were there.
A swish here, a push there, some rub-sweeps on occasion, and she was more or less done. Now satisfied with the set-up, she finalizes the last rough edges, and then twirls the whole thing around in one last check up, just before the music ends its run.
After she clicks another option, the music stops, and another tag makes the sound barrier come down; quickly, her part of the room is suddenly filled with lots of war-sounds and potshot-firings, "GOD DAMNIT!" a loud curse is heard amongst the noise.
She looks overhead David's chair, and finds that, initially, Rheinland is winning: the Battleships were clearly outnumbering the Liberty Dreadnoughts, which have already lost a few capitals, while the former had only lost one...
... And to make matters worse, the destruction sequence of another dreadnought can be heard in the foreground: the LNS-Montana was lost, "Not the Montana... again!"
Jaden looks left and right, and then activates another drop box; Suddenly, in front of David's eyes, an A.D.M.I.N. ship comes in the middle of the battlefield and decimates the entire Rheinland fleet in one fell swoop; the A.D.M.I.N. ship then hails the Rheinland side for some strange comments like ganking-sanctions and what-not, "Ahhh... now THAT's more like it, heheheh." She licks her lips enthusiastically.
He quickly looks back to Jaden and yells in surprise, "JADEN!!!!! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT FOR?! In a real battle, command can't just use cheats!"
She shrugs her shoulders, "What? You clearly saw that your dreads were outnumbered by a 3:1 ratio against the Rheinland bricks. From the stories I've heard, such things would make an A.D.M.I.N. ship come to the... uh... rescue, heheheh."
He rolls his eyes wryly, "Like hell... I suppose you didn't notice the two 5-bomber-strong wings coming in from behind, or the Chicago moving well out of range of those capitals..." Sure enough, the Chicago and a couple of other capitals were well above the plain, ready to rain down upon the Battleships by surprise.
"And the bombers only arrive just NOW?" It was true: though there were two wings of Upholders coming into the battleplain, they were still 20K away from the main engagement area, "... Some response time.
"But hey... I guess the Rheinlanders would've turned tail by the time the cavalry arrived, so yeah... maybe I should have still went on to watch the fireworks fly before deciding to let the A.D.M.I.N. ship in all the fun."
"The Rheinlander's didn't even they know they were in space, let alone heading up their arse...
"... Anyway, I can try again another time." David rubs his forehead with utter disappointment before turning off the simulator with the flick of the wrist, "So how'd your designing go?"
"Oh, right!" She grabs the chair and swerves David back to the now-modified Democritus hologram, "You'll find that it's got all the necessary things installed now." She grins to herself.
He only does a quick browse over the design, "... Not bad. I'll have a closer look later, but right now I want to try and organize purchasing a bomber for you...
"What model were we going with again?"
"Uhm... hmmm... that was some time ago, lemme think...
"... AH! I think it was the Roc."
"Ah yes... righto.
"Well, if you could be kind enough to leave me, I'll have that ship being built by tomorrow. I need to talk to a... friend."
Jaden nods slyly, "Mmmhmmm... right then..." She walks towards the wall, and then after opening the door she turns back to David with narrowed eyes, "Goodnight... Don't overdo yourself... Señor David..." She giggles to herself as she steps out of the room, the wall closing shut behind her.
"... Now... Computer, call George Darwin." He aimes his chair to the large screen.
A small beeping is heard from the interface, but after a small time passes no reply comes back, "Hmm... He told me he was upgrading ship...
"Meh, I'll get him another time... Now, back to finishing that mission WITHOUT loosing the Montana..."