Well, I have to admit, after a week of being back in the ranks of the 101st, I must say - Ive been impressed.
While Im not entirely sure if it's appropriate, or not, for a someone to post feedback of a faction, when the person is in fact part of the faction in question, I still feel compelled to.
I was rather skeptical on how a return would turn out. I know I didnt exactly leave in good favor, last time, for a number of reasons. I also was worried about the situation in the Omicrons and Taus, as I hadnt exactly heard the most encouraging things.
But, even with all that, I can only say that Im having fun. The membership is great, the activity is decent, the RP is varied, and the places are wonderful. Sure, dealing with complaints is a pain in the neck. Yes, most of the indies which you come across arent exactly the most...enjoyable sort. And, yes, sometimes I just dont feel like going through the more unsatisfactory aspects of Outcast space.
Even through that, though, I am damn proud to call myself a member of the Ghosts.