I remembe my school work- project of space craft, to reach Mars.
Quote:Maybe we'll live not as long for interstellar travels (or even to far outskirts of Sol system), but short holidays on orbit, why not?
Its probably nice buisnes for Russia in nearest future, if USA wont owerjump them with Orion... or this new project of new generation of shuttles. But the problem is- SOJUZ, which realy rocks, made only for such orbital travels. Its reliable orbital-landing craft. They are used as emergency evacuation from ISS. But hell yeah, soon, orbital travels should become very easy, and much cheaper. Its 2000 $ per 1 kg to take it to orbit.
Quote:I'm afraid it's just a dream, impossible in real world. Every state want such technologies and strategic positions (bases in space, on the Moon, on Mars) only for themself. No one wants to share something what could be difference between jumping and flying.
Of course space exploration require strong economy and scientific support. Maybe cheaper methods of space flights will be available in the future.
You know... I heared one intresting opinion. I fully agree with it.
We had Very nice resoults, in early days of space exploration. USSR have sended probe to Moon in 1959.
Jurij Gagarin in 1961. Mission to Moon in 1969. Sergej Korolov was constructing super carrier rocket to reach mars. Prototype of Sojuz, but for Mars expedition was made... Noone were thining about profit, higher payment. People were ready to work 24/7 for free, on their intusiasm. And space accepted them.
Now.... almost everyone do care about profit. No income=no deal. Our main ideology now- destroy everything, while extrackting last coin of profit. Space wont forgive such attitude. Its not market, or money farm. With such ideology- we can even forget about Moon, not even Mars.
P.S. Moon already non-available for us. Aliens there.:nono: