Chun raked his memory for the information. Being from simple farming stock he did not know much about world politics but he gave it his best shot.
"All I know of Alvin Katz is that he stopped an uprising near my home. There was civil war and many farms were destroyed. He is a hero.
The Ontario Incident? Oh my..
He gulps, the fear and sweat visible - A wrong move here would surely kill him.
"Ontario is a system belonging to the capitalist dogs which are Liberty. Our enemy. The incident which occurred there was our Premier - The great Katz staged a successful run in the elections to try and bring socialism to Liberty. In the run up to the election he was betrayed by the navy and wounded. He had to withdraw but the people still voted for his ideals and socialism was brought to Ontario. This is all I know! Our premier is fearless and ruthless - these are the tools of war we need to destroy the corrupt houses!"
Chun feared the shame that the bullet would bring. The glory seemed so far away now