"I like a man who learns from his earlier mistakes. Now that you have actually read your Little Red Book for Dummies... let me explain to you what Leon Trotsky was a complete raving lunatic..."
Mendel opened his mouth to explain, then stopped, shrugging, "Now muppet, shut up for a second. You don’t seem to be the right type for this… not cut out for it, eh?"
“But-But!” The recruit began.
Mendel pulled the trigger, and shot the arrogant pup in the gut. As he mewled and fell to the floor. His blood mingling with that of the other idiot.
Mendel stood, and walked over to stand above him. Pulling the teaspoon out of his coffee cup he tossed it on the deck between the two wounded men.
"Now I could waste a bullet on both of you... but really I feel like being in a sporting mood. So there's a spoon... Only one of you gets to survive the rest of the day... I think you get the idea, yes?"
He sipped his coffee, and banged out a cigarette, lighting it and relishing the smoke as it coiled out of his mouth. "So show me why I should bother with either of you... Boris," he gestured with the cigarette. "Give them five minutes, if they don't do anything... you can shoot them both."
Mendel smiled as he turned and walked out of his office, while Boris slammed the door behind him, locking the two idiots in the room with the spoon.
With smoke trailing out of his mouth, he casually flicked ash on the lapels of the next candidate.
"So, Mister I-am-not-such-a-moron, what in the hell makes you think you're worthy of the revolution? Give me something else, sunshine, or you're next to fertilize the people biodomes."