"I worked at department of sociology at Planet Manhattan. I saw that the Liberty's "democracy and freedom for everyone" is a lie. Because of my "leftist" opinions I lost my job and spent a two months in jail. I want to change something, try to from this world a better and I need to feed myself. I was a professor but after I was jailed no one would give me a job. When I heard your transmission I was working as an escort."
Jack flicked ashes from his coat down.
"But back to your question. I am ready to serve Coalition to fulfill my idea of the better world, I am ready to die for it. Because something must be changed. If I won't live long enough to see it changed, maybe my children will do. The revolution is not here for us. It's here for those who will come after us. I want my children and grandchildren not to be ashamed that I did not tried to change anything. We cannot live in lies forever."