Mendel tapped the spy on the nose, "I will be right back, pudding cup..." he walked around the table and out of the door, into the reception.
"Hurt more," he said going behind Alicia's desk and fetching a bottle of liquor she always kept there for dealing with especially bad days, he noted that she'd been drinking from it today. He'd have to replace the bottle.
He straightened up, putting it on the reception desk and lighting a cigarette, smiling warmly. "Mile, you seem to be a person that knows a great deal about pain, right?" he puffed lazily on the cigarette. "I mean, familiar with the inner workings of it and all?"
He fluidly drew his pistol and blew both the mans kneecaps off.
"I understand about pain quite well, my friend," he stated unscrewing the bottlecap and pouring the liquid over the cursing, bleeding man. "In fact I think I am going to give you a demonstration in true pain here, you see this is pretty potent liquor... and this..." he pulled the cigarette from his mouth. "Is a cheap cigarette, on their own... not so impressive... but in combination..." he tossed the cigarette onto a particularly wet spot. Watching the liquor ignite and quickly engulf the man in flames. "Is what we call... effective delivery of pain..." he shook his head as he got up, warming his hands on the fire, as the screaming man flailed about on the floor. Alarms resounding somewhere aboard the ship to the fact that there was a fire.
"Alicia, be a dear and fetch me some marshmallows?"