Mendel smiled at the thirsty Ensign, "You will tell everything you know anyway." He motioned for the Marines to take the young man away.
In many ways it was a fate far worse than the bullet in the head the boy was probably looking for. Mendel had a full dossier on the young man, knew all of his associates... and quite a few of them had been more than happy to share a few of the "ensigns" comments with him long in advance of the Ensign's arrival.
Mendel turned to the other man, "we all bear a piece of the Hispania. The Hispania Memorium is the first medal we award to our pilots..." he took the piece of metal from the youth, turning it over and showing the boy the markings on the back. "You see these? They indicate the date your father completed the Hispania Memorium... This... This is Commandante Ares' mark here. And this is where the ribbon should go..." he closed his hand on the medal.
"Your father was a patriot and a Loyal Coalitioner, I wonder if you are?" he pulled out the packet of papers. "Show me!" As he tossed them over.