1 Cruiser, 1 Gunboat (with a damn good aim), many VHFs, vs 3 Vhs and 1 LF:)In the name of protecting civilians.
Next day: SCRA + Phantoms = Protecting civilians?:)
Is that normal? Of course, I understand if it was just a thing of the moment, as BAF was fighting you and the phantoms probably came, and from an OORP perspective shooting BAF with phantoms' help was nothing bad. Maybe 3 mercernaries are worst than the most wanted terrorist group. And before you say something like the SCRA and phantoms wokring together was a matter of balance I'll remind you that: 1 SCRA crsuier engaged 3 VHFs who were already engaged by 1 gunboat with a really good aim, and 2 VHS, with at least 4 VHFs (The mobious group) waiting as backup.
So, what's the deal, you protect civilians, or you help those who kill civilians almost for fun?