I remember when the 101st offered help to the RM againts the RHA in the omegas.
I remember several fights in omega 5/7 and one in Münich as well (101st gc vhf/lh bayonett).
According to Jameson, it was rp and there is no problem with this. I also remember when SCRA and 101st pewpewed each other in omega 5, I looked in with corsair and there was a local Q_Q from 101st immediately.
I remember when I fought againts BAF with KNF in Leeds, and the 101st joined to defend BAF. I could tell a lot of story about you Jameson and your violent "I know everything better" behavior. You take the war againts the CR seriously and you don't like, when the enemy got "reinforcements" from SCRA. That's all. I've tried to get rid of you without any negative "no u" think, but I can see now you have to spam in feedback until you kicked of roughly. You have to understand, not only outcasts and Jameson exist on the server. Differen factions with different leaderships try to live their own "rp". I say this because I can see in different feedback, you "decry" the RP of the other factions