' Wrote:1 Cruiser, 1 Gunboat (with a damn good aim), many VHFs, vs 3 Vhs and 1 LF:)In the name of protecting civilians.
Next day: SCRA + Phantoms = Protecting civilians?:)
Is that normal? Of course, I understand if it was just a thing of the moment, as BAF was fighting you and the phantoms probably came, and from an OORP perspective shooting BAF with phantoms' help was nothing bad. Maybe 3 mercernaries are worst than the most wanted terrorist group. And before you say something like the SCRA and phantoms wokring together was a matter of balance I'll remind you that: 1 SCRA crsuier engaged 3 VHFs who were already engaged by 1 gunboat with a really good aim, and 2 VHS, with at least 4 VHFs (The mobious group) waiting as backup.
So, what's the deal, you protect civilians, or you help those who kill civilians almost for fun?
The Cruiser should have, perhaps held back in that scenario.
As for the Phantoms, part of on going RP. Remember that they decimated one of our worlds recently, and we are trying to avoid a repeat occurrence. Now as for working together... that's perspective. And no, it is not normal.
Now as you well know we work to protect civilians, but a relationship with the Phantoms based on fear and intimidation goes back to the formation of the faction.
It is something I am examining, and considering closely how to evolve the RP beyond where it is so that it isn't so one sided. But remember, these are Phantoms.