Borderworlds Exports application form 8209-2727
-incoming transmission fro.m Planet Harris-
Hello leaders of Border Worlds Exports. I am glad I was finally able to get in touch with you.
You see, I have been looking for a job for quite some time. The questionaire you requested is filled out following this transmission.
-incoming data from Planet Harris-
- What is your full name?
My name is Matthew Bellamy, at your service.
- Where do you live?
I live on Planet Harris with my missus and 3 boys.
- Where was your last place of employment? What experience do you have?
Before the Kusari invasion I worked as a navigator on the barge ship Excaliber with my father and 2 brothers. It was a peaceful operation, running basic alloys and the like, but then Kusari decided we were a threat. They attacked us and destroyed our barge. Being the youngest aboard the ship my father and brothers forced me into the escape pod hoping someone would pick me up.
- To what division are you applying?
I would like to apply to the shipping division.
- Do you already own a ship? If so, what kind? If it is not listed above, can you afford one of the ones listed?
I currently fly a Shetland type freighter.
- If you are applying for the Shipping division, what would you name your ship? Why?
I would like to keep my shipped named Muse. A muse is something that inspires you and everyday I am inspired by the grit of the Bretonian people and their sheer determination to never give up the fight for Queen and Country.
- Why are you interested in working for Border World Exports?
The Border World Exports are very much like a family to me. I grew up watching their ships fly off for unknown places as a kid. As an adult Bowex was always kind to my father, giving him jobs when we needed one.
-Tell us about yourselves, what are you dislikeskes etc (minimum of 100 words)
Not much to say that hasn't been said. I was born on Planet Harris. As a kid my favorite past time was sitting with my friend Scouse and watching the ships fly past. My father got the barge from a long time friend and he hired me and my brothers on. We enjoyed 10 long years of exploring and trading. I got married to this wonderful gal from the Texas system and brought her home to Planet Harris were we now have 3 boys.
Trading is the life. There is nothing that quite compares to the rush you get from slipping past pirates or the satifaction you get when you deliver your cargo on time.