' Wrote:And I take it that your unbiased mind thinks that this is fair? Riiiigh... While none of the people who are supposed to run this place has gone so far as to think that perhaps the Outcasts do mine as well, and since there really is no other logical way to explain the amount of ships we need to fight the war other than saying that we do indeed mine, this deduction of mine rings more true by the minute.
Now, your idea is the very definition of meh for two reasons:
1. We need resources.
2. You want to block off our main trade route with radiation.
All I can ask is: Are you insane, or do you just want to defeat your pretend enemies in a spaceship game with such a zeal that you are willing to pull poor ideas such as this out of your rear end?
Meh. Have you ever gone through a neutron star field? It doesn't even scratch the hull of a transport. It does however prevent snubs from going through there needlessly. But I see your point, it is the main Cardi smuggling route. That idea can be scrubbed then. Just irks me someone placed a mining field a jump or two away from the biggest pirate faction's homeworld. I mean, that's just asking for continuous fighting...
As for the resources. Given you literally have a stranglehold on the Cardi trade, being the only producer, I imagine all other factions dependant on Cardi (Lib Rogues, GC... probably a good deal of freelancers and other unlawfuls as well) would supply the Outcasts with all the materials they need. Cardi out, materials and credits in. I do not see why the Outcasts would need to mine, but imagine they could if they wanted to (Outcast IFF/Miner ID not a viable option? Or does a rephack get in the way of that?).
Wide awake in a world that sleeps, enduring thoughts, enduring scenes. The knowledge of what is yet to come.
From a time when all seems lost, from a dead man to a world, without restraint, unafraid and free.
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