I'm totally against such system placed in between the Taus and Alpha.
It was already done once, thus Omicron Eta exists.
The only thing it did is isolate Omicron Alpha so Corsairs rarely ever go there.
In the start there were events in Eta and it was really fun. But once they stopped, Outcast-Corsair interaction just died. Eta is a dead system.
If it's done from the other side too, Omicron Alpha will be as boring as Yukon. Literally.
So, I hope no one is even considering such an option.
What could be done is to move some mining fields for the IMG to Tau-31, so miners have an option besides Tau-23.
As it is now, Tau-23 is the mining center in the region. It's responsible for Kusari-Brettonia war.
Outcasts and IMG bash the hell out of each other. GC and Hogosha are frequent too, as well as the KNF.
And in 4.86 we can expect another, third warzone, with Gallic swarms in the Tau-23.
So, it's a bit overloaded when compared to any other system, even with Liberty ones.
And an option for the Outcast could be either changing Omicron Eta so it becomes a real warzone, or giving Outcast something else to do.
If Omicron Eta was a system like Tau-23, with more jump holes and more things to do, both Corsairs and Outcasts would benefit, and IMG would get some time on the other side.
It just needs to be more important then it is now. Corsairs don't care about it at all.
Yes, I know, back then it was RoS (which had massive membership), 101st, BLS and one other I think.
And there were some kind of capital ship licencing run by 101st if I'm not mistaken.
Well, anyway, I wish you all the best in improving Outcast gameplay. It really needs something.
Quote:As for the Corsairs - in a straight up battle between Titans and Sabres, the Sabres usually come out on top.
Well, while it's true that Sabre is a better ship for big fights, in the Omicron Eta events Titans proved quite a force. In some 20 fights, Corsairs did win in the end, with some 12-8.
And those events were really really good, I remember I couldn't wait for the weekly fights in Eta.
But lag was smaller back then, now if you'd mass 40 fighters near the mine field, it'd be unplayable.
And, what do you mean when CR is booted? Tau-44 was made specifically for the =BSG=, that is current =CR=. It's their system and their alone. They even designed it.
How could anyone boot 'em?
But that's another topic.
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.