' Wrote:And another rant from me, again ignore if you like and this time I also prepared for major trolling:
Engagement happened because you attacked a Ptrans of the Outcast...my friend and I tried to defend it.
It started with 2 fighters vs. 2 fighters. Allied caps of you on standby, very good.
Another one of you came, 3v2, fine.
But refilling at Carrier while being in a 3v2...Goddamn.
Should be solved.
' Wrote:I also have a rant.
oh no wait, I still have a CR fighter in my garage that isn't mine. someone take it off my hands or I'll pawn it at some shady junker to get money to buy a cap 8 ALG-iffed GRN-id-ed Ranseur with Blood Dragon guns
someone from CR leadership, pm me plox
I am sorry, but your rants amount of flaming and trolling is not high enough and therefore has been ignored. (PM sent ;) )