Lavinia looked at the meat, thinking. She was hungry. This was the first time she's had real meat, not the junk you find in food rations. Though, if she took her helmet off...she was presented with a choice. After a few moments, she chose the meat.
Reaching up with her blue-furred hands, she twisted the two clips on either side of the helmet, releasing the locks that held it connected to the armor. With a small hiss, the helmet raised a bare millimetre, and Lavinia took the sides with her hands, hesitating for a moment before she removed it.
Her head was much the same shape as the helmet, revealing the reason for such a thing. The canine muzzle was covered in an off-white fur, and her eyes glowed bright blue, as well as the small rows of implants in each ear. A microphone ran down from underneath the mass of black-and-blue hair that rolled down her shoulders, before she quickly shrugged it over her back.
She took a deep breath, and rolled her jaw, obviously glad to be free of the helmet. The tip of her nose twitching lightly, and she put her attention on the steak, setting down the helmet. She cut a segment out of the steak and started eating, still paying general attention to the bar, which was highlighted from her canine ears flicking back and forth as the levels of noise rose and fell within the bar.
A million dollars isn't cool. You know what is cool? A basilisk.