"Well, color me impressed. I half expected you to shoot him." She turned to Sutherland. "As per the recruit's suggestion, do talk to him. As he is not a confirmed combatant, don't ruff him up too badly."
Sasha accepted her gun, then holstered it. "If you had pulled that trigger, then Rassid here would have killed you on the spot. We do not assassinate civilians, no matter what. The power of our Revolution comes from the people, and if we kill the people, then what the hell are we? We would be no better then the Outcasts, or the Corsairs." She then grabs him by the scruff of the neck and drags him out to Darren, throwing him beside the anxious recruit.
"Congratulations, both of you have avoided pissing off Rassid and me...ok, well...Darren didnt, and you Eric...you did ok not pissing him off further." Alicia hands Sasha paper, which she hands to them. "Fill these out, return them. Failure to do so will end up with you being rejected. By Rassid."
She turns on her heal and starts to walk back, then stops and turns back. "Stare at me and I'll shoot you were you sit, understand?" Confidente these two would understand that this was not the Golden Chrysantheums, she re-entered her office and sat down, kicking her boots up. "Alicia! Some more coffee for Rassid and a bottle of vodka for me tovarich."