Eric was caught of guard by the man, who pointed the gun at his forehead, he began to sweat slightly. He had to choose his next words wisely, or be shot.
None of these speeches are in any way prepared. I have studied history in my time in college. I know alot about past revolutions, I may be from liberty, but i am in no way a Spy. I despise actions and corruption by the Navy. I was part in riots on Manhattan against the Corruption in Liberty. I was arrested for it, feel free to check it on the System, i am sure you have the capabilities to do so. I came to the Trotsky today to join the Revolution to end what is going on. I am here to fight for what i believe is right.
Eric looked at Rassid, he was hoping his answer satisfied him. He was nervous, but he was looking death in the face, ready to embrace it.