Bretonian space has been very quiet of late. Traders from Samura and Kishiro have had excellent runs brining deuterium to the Empire.
Several incidents of note took place over the last two days:
1) The insane commander of a Liberty Dreadnought was attacking ships in Tau-29. I could not hope to prevail in combat, nor could I leave the traders unguarded. I put out a general call to shipping to be alert to its presence.
2) The Outcast Destoyer 'Nep' was observed attacking our home fleet in New Tokyo. Such an atrocity would not go unanswered.
The call was put out to all KNF and friendly ships to assist. Commodore Nagasaki and Ensign Kamura were on hand, as well as a BSG battlecruiser and a mercenary pilot.
The fight was short. The Outcast tried to run but was quickly brought down by our combined strength of arms. The killing shot went to the pilot [merc]Haelyn.
During the battle, a previously unknown pirate known as 'Maestro' attacked and destroyed Ensign Kimura's ship in a cowardly and unprovoked assault. This pirate then attempted to evade our retaliation by flying close to Roppongi Station. After a brief pursuit the pirate vessel was obliterated, again the killing blow went to [merc]Haelyn.
3) During today's trade run, the pirate 'Maestro' attempted a pathetic extortion of the trader ships. At no time was the convoy in serious danger. Several blasts from my gunboat turrets were sufficient to have this pirate turn tail and flee Kusari space.