Eric looked at the two as they spoke, he gulped, lightly sweating, he didn't expect to do this bad. This was his only Chance, Impress them, or die, he chose his words carefully.
I.. I may not be the best man on written exams, or expressing what i feel and what i believe in, but i am willing to put those badly spoken and written words into Actions. I want to show you i am capable of doing everything that is Required of me in the Fighter Corps. I am ready to lay down my most precious possession for the cause, My Life. You may think me a man of words, but i ask you to not only look at my , i must admit bad impression, in the written and spoken ways of my actions, but my actual actions in the Field, if you choose to give me this chance, i will devote every second, every penny, every move , to the Cause. I know these may sound like empty promises to you, but they are not. Actions speak louder than words, any in this case, the actions Scream , while the words only whisper.
Eric stepped back into the line of recruits, looking at Sasha and Rassid, awaiting their final judgement, he pushed out his chest a bit, waiting for the bullet.