Narbonne Base. Languedoc
Christine Armand - Warden
Subject: meeting some people
*Medium encryption*
Look, there is something we must talk about. Those Counseil pilots, who go under GAUL tag. Today I was returning to Narbonne and met two of them, Renzo Dayson and Noma Laslandes. These pilots seem to be concerned with les mineurs of Sirius and the attitude of the Brigands in general. As one of les Maquis said, they appeared to keep to the "Gallic Defenders" stereotype. I can understand them, but I just want to warn you: keep your guard up when they are around, they may stand between you and your prey, no matter who that prey is. If they really want to uphold the image of Le Counseil and Gallia in general, they might prevent us from extorting the cash from those Sirians, who venture into Gallia. We need to make sure they don't cause us too much trouble. Personally, I wouldn't want to have quarrels with Du Lac, should those GAUL idealists try to disrupt our activities.
A couple of Maquis I met the same day seem to share our attitude. One of the Maquis belonged to the group we know, Les Franc-Tireurs. So, regarding les Franc-Tireurs, those who bear /M/ tag in their IFFs... They may be powerful associates indeed. Some of them are a bit blood-thirsty, from what I heard, but they do understand that it's better to rob someone before torturing to death. Perhaps we could have a talk with them, but I'll leave the decision to Enzo.
P.S.(directed to Du Sable): I got a message from our old friends, la famille Orsini of the Corse. Seems like Joel has something to discuss with you. He didn't want to tell it to me in private, so I guess it's important. Transmission Terminated