Sam appears on the video feed, with a sad look on his face
Beumont Here As Usual.
Went to do a patrol from Ouray, and got an emergency call from Executive Commander
Voss and Star Captain Atheus that there was a LARGE amount of forces at Mactan. I
proceeded to travel to Freeport 4 with Voss, who went off to Mactan while I stayed at
the Freeport. I was told to distract a Dreadnought, which docked on the Freeport somehow,
and a gunboat while bomber support came. Once it arrived, we engaged it and it quickly
fell. I even managed to salvage a Liberty Gunboat Missile turret, which may come in use.
Anyway, after the Gunboat went down in flames, several of the bombers quickly scattered
to grab fighters elsewhere, along with several Lane Hackers who also rushed to Mactans
defense. After a rather long fight, with backup coming and or being destroyed, we were
forced to leave Mactan under the cover of the Revenant. We went to Vespucci, where we
resupplied on Ravager and waited.
And waited. But the Naval fighters didnt follow us, smartly.
In total, three ships were destroyed on the enemies side.