How does one resolve or avoid powergaming issues where, having several characters in one system communicate in-game info to a fellow pilot in a near-by or distant system?
I've made it where if one character can land at a Freeport or planet that is not too far away, 5+ systems away, they can communicate information to their partner. If destroyed, that communication is either impossible or delayed a few days out.
This is nothing like: Character 1 kruger miner in omega 7 mines ore for tradeship x, Tradeship x departs to drop off cargo in New Tokoyo and character 1 switches to character 2 (bad guy pirate) and pirates Tradeship x
It is more like: Pilot 1 in New Berlin has seen Pirate Z several times, Pilot 1 was told by a passing tradeship 1 that pirate Z is in a nearby system. Pilot 1 has pilot 2 in that system. Pilot 1 lands and logs into pilot 2
And like: Scout 1 received orders from Pilot 1 to look for Pirate Z. Scout one is 10 systems away from Pilot 1 and finds Pirate Z. Scout 1 lands and leaves a RP message in the communications channel on the forum.
I'd like to know where the line is drawn because I'm dealing with very simular RP issues like this where I don't want to be blamed of powergaming
Sometimes, when all you want is to gain your freedom, you must be willing to risk it all.