' Wrote:There isn't anything to avoid, there is no such thing as "powergaming", "metagaming" in Freelancer.
@Lobster that example for powergaming you gave, I did that once to a fellow to role play him being captured and handed to the authorities, the outcome of that was a real "hell on earth" inside my private message box.
Don't give advice when your advice is wrong.
There is powergaming, and metagaming, and there are even rules concerning them. Especially on the forums where instances of meta/powergaming are much easier to find and prove, and then take action on.
Your first two examples are metagaming, but I'm not sure if they are really severe enough to get someone sanctioned. Nor are they easy to prove. Your last example is not meaagaming. If he sees someone, he can tell whoever he wants. He also doesn't have to post in the Comm Channel of the forums, but can tell him directly in-game, regardless of the distance he is from his client, Pilot 1. There is no range limitation or time delay to messages in Sirius.