I found my crayon scenario to be quite clever personally. Kinda like how the guy I was talking to tells me to get bent. But I'm sure he's "mature" and I'm the "angry kid with a problem".
And don't worry about me being upset about people failing to draw distinctions, I learned quickly it was the same players sending off negative feedback about my Faction for losing fights.
Now as for the situation at hand, you gave me one explanation, I received five different ones here. I however accepted the line of logic you used that "the Message Dump Role-Play would only affect .:J:. characters" like it was some kind of promise that it would stay within those boundaries. Shame though that it had to continue to a communications thread which has the possibility to affect Rheinland, Kusari and Junker Role-Play. But the biggest issue I see here is that plenty of your members are defending the actions as well. Taking the stance that blatant abuse of meta-gaming and power-gaming is justified.