The door to reception opened sizzling and a young man in the twenties entered the room. He didn't look back and he didn't stop while entering the room. He just went straight forward to the reception and cleared his throat. Master Chief Pasha stared at him without any emotion in his face and with one hand calm on his side and the other at his shotgun. The man's eyes blinked to the shotgun and a weak shimmer of fear came to his eyes, but his face remained composed. He had choosen his path. There was no way back anymore. Or only through a sudden gunshot. The man started to talk. He had an hard accent, a weird mixture of Bretonian and of another unidentifiable language. "Privet, ma name is Dimitry Sikjitsch. " He stared at the master chief like he was expecting him to say something. "I'm here 'cause of ze recruitment." Pasha looked back bored. "I didn't expect something else. know what you are about to do?" Dimitry only nods. "So you know the procedure, I need your data before you can do anything" Dimitry nods again. He took out a scrunched sheet of paper. "I've prepared somezing" "No." Pasha chuckled and looked at him amused "You want me to read that? Read it out loud" He booted his datapad and prepared it to take Dimitry's biography. Dimitry coughed and look at the paper, written in squiggly letters. "Erm. Da, da. I'll do zhat."
Quote:Name: Dimitry Sikjitsch
Age: 28
Height: 1,76 m
Weight: 85 kg
Hair colour: Black, short, military haircut
Eye colour: Iceblue
Background story: I vas born on planet Leeds in Bretonia, a son from a vorker, many brothers and sisters. I growed up in ze vorker slums of Leed. It vasn't a bad life despite half of my brothers died from ze bad medical care and my mother vas shot by ze police during a razzia. *his view was getting hard* Vhen I vas 19 my brother Andrej killed a policemen and ha' to run avay from Leeds. Because I vas vith him vhen he shot him, my father told me to abscond too. In a stolen Cavalier light fighter ve managed to escape into ze New London system vhere ve first took refugee at ze Trafalgar base from ze Junkers. Ve had no money so it didn't look fo' us, but a random stranger, a junker donated us a lil' money. His name vas...eer. His name vas Calvis, or something like zhat. Nevermind he is dead. Vith ze lil' money ve had Andrej bought and ol' ship from a junker. A sabre vhich Andrej took to Dublin to earn money from pirates by defending zhem or doing some scouting for zem. Ve didn't earn much, but ve could survive from it. Ve alternated in flying ze Sabre and ve both fought against ze Bretonian forces many times. After half a year Andrej had enough from flying around an' serving random pirates. He had enough money so he bought an used Civilian Bomber
and earned ze money himself by asking transports fo' a lil' donation *he sighed* Ve had many discussions 'bout zhat because in my opinion zese poor vorkers are exploited and you shouldn't steal zem zheir last profit...but in Andrejs opinion zey were all greedy capitalists. Ve used ze money Andrej earned in his Roc bomber to keep our ships vorking and to buy a permanent quarter on ze Trafalgar base.
I vasn't satisfied vith ze situation. Ve managed it to start a new life, but I always had to think of our father home on Leeds and all ze other vorkers vho still vere caught in zeir lil' vorld vith no chance to escape. So I talked vith Andrej and convinced him to start something. He vent to Dublin to talk to some vorkers and convince zhem to stand up for zeir rights. I vaited two days fo' him to come back, but he didn't came. On ze third day he came back, but his ship vas in pieces and he vas vounded badly. He told me something about ze Mollys attacking him and zhat he has to leave fast. He didn't let me disagree and took his Sabre in direction of Rheinland with the advise for me to leave Bretonia too. *he coughed and then went on, but Pasha interupted him before he could start again: Is that all on your little paper?"* Niet, it aint. Ze version on ze paper is vay shorter. *Pasha glanced angry at him: "Then I'd prefer to hear the short one!"* Da, da, I'll shorten ze rest up. I tried to continue vith Andrejs work. I had his bomber left here. But vhat I saw out zhere in Dublin really disappointed me. Ze vorkers vere brainvashed or to scared to do anything. I didn't saw a chance...'till I heard of ze Sirius Coalition Revolution Army. I heard zhat zis ze only organisation in Sirius zhat still fights for ze right goals. For a real freedom. For ze vorking class.
"That is all? A nice little story, Sikjitsch. But I hope you wont waste the commissars time like you wasted mine" Dimitry looked confused. He took a fast look at the other man sitting in the room. "So vhat shall I do now?",he asked kind of insecure now. "Take a seat and relax Sikjitsch...Wait until it's your turn" Dimitry noded. He put the paper back in his pocket wondering if he angered the master chief. But he took all the worries from his head and ereased them, like a fast shot from a mining laser erases asteroids. He didn't want to trip and fall at the end of this long chapter. He shruged and took a seat.