The Gas Miner Guild had called for our assistance, and that is exactly what they got! My friends we have answered that call and together we have moved a vast amount of cargo to our allies stations and have returned with enough h-fuel to last us for a very very long time. By my accounts we have moved a total of 177,080 units of deuterium give or take and a match for that in the total units of h-fuel returned! I would like to thank all of you for your help! I hope this will strengthen our bond with the guild even more, they have helped us out in the past and it is our honor to return the favor in any and all endeavors! I have a bottle of champagne for each and every one of you to celebrate our hard work! I also have some nice images of part of our trade convoy that I would like to share with you as well.
*Raises a glass of champagne* To the Omicroners! To the GMG! To our way of life! Cheers! *Drinks deep from the glass*