Having a slight... twinge... that something was amiss... Mendel rose from his chair.
"Hold that thought, Comrade Dimitry... I think..." he didn't finish the sentence as he lit a cigarette and marched through the large rotating steel door into the outer office.
"Commissar?" Alicia asked, recently returned from the comm room.
"Pasha... with me!" Mendel demanded, unholstering his large bored .60 calibre assault pistol, marching down the corridor to one of the other offices, where someone had scrawled, in bad crayon, the word ReKrutmant.
Mendel twitched, his boot arching up to smash the lock, sending the doors crashing inwards.
It looked like a pantomime. People in badly replicated Coalition uniforms, playacting at recruitment, a spotty geek in the corner holding open a large book which read.
Coalition: the Recruitment.
LARP... something about it made Mendel sick to the stomach... damn Zoners... daring to impersonate good Coalition soldiers doing thier duty.
Well... if they wanted a taste of what recruitment REALLY was...
Mendel swung the pistol, blowing the Storyteller's head clean off his shoulders. Watching the room descend into fits of screams, as overweight girls in horrifically revealing uniforms, and spotty awkward geeks wearing antiquated army surplus gear tried to get away.
Pasha shook his head as he blasted the room with his shotgun, firing a second round to be sure. Cutting down most of the people, as Mendel calmly walked through the room, putting bullets into skulls.
Finally stopping at the injured and crying 'commissar' who was calling for his mommy.
"Gregor," Mendel stated with a nod... "well how original. I am Leon Mendel... a real commissar," he pressed the barrel up against the teenagers temple. "Sad really... I would have liked to use you to fill my geek quota for operation SHIELD... ahh well."
The bullet ended the geeks miserable existence by giving him what he truly dreamed of, death by Commissar.
"Eh, Commissar, this one appears to be a real candidate," Pasha tapped an injured Dennis with the barrel of his shotgun.
"Yes, well if the damn muppet can't read instructions properly," Mendel stated coldly. "What makes you think I actually want to interview him... shoot him and be done with it."
Pasha obliged.
A few moments later, a little blood splattered, Mendel returned to the interview room with Dimitry, taking the time to reload his pistol.
"Where were we... oh yes, have you ever worn a dress?"